This plugin has been closed as of ሕዳር 10, 2023 and is not available for download. This closure is temporary, pending a full review.



ሓምለ 20, 2023
Many thanks to Mithsou Mervil for the fast and thorough assistance with formatting the payment button.
መስከረም 1, 2022
I was having some issues with creating PayPal buttons in addition to Stripe buttons for my site and sent out an email. The reply came within 24 hours, with clear instructions and a reset to assist it doing what I needed to do. For many years I have been using the old PayPal buttons to accept payment and had all manner of troubles with their new "smart" buttons. I am NOT A CODER so had no clue how to fix it and reaching out to PayPal's Developer services was like whistling in the wind. has very simple, clean buttons that just work - no coding, reasonable pricing plans and fantastic customer service. So long PayPal buttons/marketplace tools after 8yrs! rocks! Thanks for the great support Richcarde!!! TaraB
ሚያዝያ 11, 2022
I am using this plugin for a client who will need to display a temporary page over the home page at some time in the future. I generally found it gave me everything I needed, although a very slight criticism is that I didn't always find it intuitive to achieve the effects I was looking for. However I got there in the end and it looks exactly how I want it to.
Read all 58 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Contact Form – Custom Builder, Payment Form, and More” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
