American Council on Education



ACE2022 EARLY BIRD RATES END SOON,<img alt="ACE2022 branding image" src="/PublishingImages/Interior-Page-Heroes/ace2022-hero-collage.png?RenditionID=10" style="BORDER&#58;0px solid;" /><div class="ExternalClassFA5B30310DB2413698B2176FEEE6307A"><p>It’s not too late to save over $200 on ACE's Annual Meeting, to be held in San Diego, March 5–7. Join us for the practical solutions, networking, and strategies that will move your campus forward. Register now to save!</p></div>
Together We Can, Learn More<img alt="Photo of Georgia State University 2012 graduates tossing mortar boards in a stadium" src="/PublishingImages/Interior-Page-Heroes/together-we-can-hero.jpg?RenditionID=10" style="BORDER&#58;0px solid;" /><div class="ExternalClass92DE9CA41CAC418D80BBB503ED4CADBA"><p>​In times of crisis, we are always stronger together. Together we can champion equity, secure a path to citizenship, advocate for doubling the Pell Grant, strengthen campus mental health, support international students, and improve global relationships.</p></div>Georgia State University, ACE member since 1963

ACE Learning Evaluations

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​We help people achieve their college and career goals by validating learning and skills developed outsi​de the classroom and helping students apply what they know toward a degree or other opportunity.