Market Intelligence Tools

Market Intelligence Tools Overview

Market intelligence tools (also called marketing intelligence software) helps businesses collect and aggregate needed information about companies and individuals in their marketplace. This can include:

  • firmographic information

  • financials and funding rounds

  • competitive information and analysis

  • geographic information

  • search engine and search marketing trends

Marketing intelligence platforms pull publicly available data from multiple sources and provide organizations with a database for viewing the information. The third-party or in-house data sources market intelligence platforms pull from can include web analytics, business intelligence, SEO tools, contact center software, and sales enablement software. News outlets and press releases can be a source of market intelligence as well. Data from these sources often comes in separate reports, which marketing intelligence software combines into a single environment. Most market intelligence tools have the ability to sync with the user’s CRM and augment existing contact and account records with new information.

For businesses using marketing intelligence software, the main goal is to gain a better understanding of the overall market landscape and where they fit in it. For example, understanding what competitors are doing differently, how search behavior has changed or is evolving, and seeing where growth potential lies.

Top Rated Market Intelligence Products

TrustRadius Top Rated for 2021

These products won a Top Rated award for having excellent customer satisfaction ratings. The list is based purely on reviews; there is no paid placement, and analyst opinions do not influence the rankings. Read more about the Top Rated criteria.

Market Intelligence Tools TrustMap

TrustMaps are two-dimensional charts that compare products based on trScore and research frequency by prospective buyers. Products must have 10 or more ratings to appear on this TrustMap.

Market Intelligence Products

(1-25 of 172) Sorted by Most Reviews

The list of products below is based purely on reviews (sorted from most to least). There is no paid placement and analyst opinions do not influence their rankings. Here is our Promise to Buyers to ensure information on our site is reliable, useful, and worthy of your trust.


Customer Verified
Top Rated

ZoomInfo provides detailed profiles for millions of business professionals and businesses.

Key Features

  • Company information (516)
  • Advanced search (520)
  • Contact information (521)

SEMRush is a relatively popular search engine optimization tool set from the company of the same name based in Pennsylvania and founded in 2008. Largely the platforms relies on competitive intelligence, and features SEO staples like backlink checking, keyword analysis to refine SEO…

Key Features

  • Keyword analysis (133)
  • SERP ranking tracking (129)
  • Site audit / diagnostics (130)
InsideView, from Demandbase

InsideView, from Demandbase

Customer Verified
Top Rated

InsideView’s targeting intelligence platform promises to help you identify the best targets, get relevant insights at the right time, and see exactly who your customers are and what they really need. It aims to deliver consistent, real-time access to data, insights, and connections…

Key Features

  • Industry information (90)
  • Contact information (89)
  • Company information (90)
NetBase Quid

NetBase Quid is a consumer and market intelligence platform, delivering contextual insights to reveal business trends, connect with consumers, and understand the story behind competitors and the market. The platform uses advanced artificial intelligence to process billions of indexed…

DiscoverOrg (discontinued)

DiscoverOrg (discontinued)

Customer Verified
Top Rated

Capabilities of the former DiscoverOrg product are now supplied by ZoomInfo, since the merger of DiscoverOrg and ZoomInfo into a single brand in 2019.

Key Features

  • Advanced search (105)
  • Load time/data access (104)
  • List quality (105)
EverString, now part of ZoomInfo

EverString was a SaaS solution for B2B sales and marketing professionals used to drive pipeline growth, help close new customers, expand into new markets, prioritize accounts, and provide actionable insights. EverString was acquired by ZoomInfo November 2020. It is now part of ZoomInfo.…

Meltwater Media Intelligence Platform

Meltwater Media Intelligence platform is a set of public relations software tools for media monitoring, social media monitoring, and collecting brand insights. The four areas of functionality are Monitor, Analyze, Distribute, and Engage. (Note that this product combines features…



Customer Verified
Top Rated

Lead411 is a sales intelligence solution that provides provides news-driven sales leads, IT intelligence and unlimited company contacts within a simple UI. Key differentiators are unlimited downloads, fresh daily leads based on territory, and a no commitment monthly offer.

Key Features

  • Industry information (43)
  • Company information (43)
  • Contact information (43)

TapClicks is a leading marketing technology company for agencies, media companies, brands, and enterprises. Its integrated Marketing Operations Platform includes workflow and order management, analytics, and automated reporting -- all within a single intuitive user interface available…

D&B Hoovers

Avention delivers sales intelligence data for millions of companies globally.

Key Features

  • Advanced search (21)
  • List quality (20)
  • Identification of new leads (20)

According to the vendor, marketers report on their results for two reasons: to prove their value, and to improve their results. Additionally, the vendor says TrackMaven is the only marketing analytics platform that gives marketers the ability to do both across all of their digital…

SimilarWeb PRO

SimilarWeb PRO is a marketing intelligence platform from UK company SimilarWeb.


Talkwalker is a social media search, monitoring and analytics tool. It delivers insights on any given search term and metrics on owned and earned media performance. Talkwalker offers flexible dashboards, APIs and reports featuring comprehensive filters and actionable social media…

Sprinklr Modern Research

Sprinklr Modern Research enables users to listen, learn and act on insights gleaned from modern channels. The vendor states users can improve products and services by leveraging actionable insights derived from real-time, voice-of-the-customer conversations, save time with automated…

S&P Capital IQ

Capital IQ is a market intelligence software solution offered by S&P; Global Market Intelligence, which is the result of McGraw Hill Financial's acquisition of SNL Financial.


Datorama, a Salesforce Company offers AI-powered marketing intelligence designed to help the user make smarter decisions by connecting and acting on marketing data and KPIs.

V12 Data

The V12 Data Platform (formerly called the Launchpad Marketing Cloud) is comprised of a collection of online and offline marketing solutions that is designed to manage existing customer relationships and identify new prospective customers by granting users access to The V12 Group…


AdClarity is a SaaS solution for competitive marketing intelligence. With AdClarity, you can explore any site, brand, mediator, and even campaign, and get a complete perspective of its online activity.

Comscore Ad Metrix

Comscore offers marketing intelligence platform Ad Metrix to complement their digital marketing analytics offerings. is a SaaS based prospecting platform that uses social networks and complex algorithms behind the scenes to gather data. The vendor says their solution provides a full overview of prospects by including email addresses, phone numbers and social profiles. According to…


Lucidya is a social media intelligence platform powered AI & big data that reveals key consumers' insights in real-time. To give brands insight, Lucidya monitors conversations from over 200 million websites, blogs, and forums. Combined with Lucidya’s advanced filtering features,…


Cronycle, from the company of the same name in London, is a SaaS application that provides an end-to-end collaborative information workflow for content curation, monitoring, organization, and publishing, for knowledge workers.

Oracle DaaS

Oracle DaaS is a subscription-based marketing intelligence platform which leverages Oracle's 2014 acquisitions Datalogix and BlueKai. Oracle DaaS for Marketing provides anonymous multi-channel data for marketers, and Oracle DaaS for Social provides social and enterprise data.


Echobot provides Cloud Software for Sales & Marketing Intelligence for European markets. The vendor states more than 1,000 companies of all sizes and industries trust Echobot to improve marketing and sales processeses for the digital era. They state that with state-of-the-art…

Captora (discontinued)

Captora in Mountain View, California, offers their eponymous lead acceleration and inbound marketing tool to optimize organic and paid search.

Learn More About Market Intelligence Tools

What are Market Intelligence Tools?

Market intelligence tools (also called marketing intelligence software) helps businesses collect and aggregate needed information about companies and individuals in their marketplace. This can include:

  • firmographic information

  • financials and funding rounds

  • competitive information and analysis

  • geographic information

  • search engine and search marketing trends

Marketing intelligence platforms pull publicly available data from multiple sources and provide organizations with a database for viewing the information. The third-party or in-house data sources market intelligence platforms pull from can include web analytics, business intelligence, SEO tools, contact center software, and sales enablement software. News outlets and press releases can be a source of market intelligence as well. Data from these sources often comes in separate reports, which marketing intelligence software combines into a single environment. Most market intelligence tools have the ability to sync with the user’s CRM and augment existing contact and account records with new information.

For businesses using marketing intelligence software, the main goal is to gain a better understanding of the overall market landscape and where they fit in it. For example, understanding what competitors are doing differently, how search behavior has changed or is evolving, and seeing where growth potential lies.

Market Intelligence Tools Features

Most market intelligence platforms act as information aggregators and a database for companies to view, download, and sometimes analyze different types of intelligence. The different types of information collected by these tools include:

  • Search intelligence

  • Market trend intelligence

  • Contact & account intelligence

  • Competitor intelligence

  • Product feedback and intelligence

  • Customer consumer experience intelligence

Certain market intelligence tools will focus on one of the areas above, while others provide information on multiple types of intelligence. For example, SEMrush is an organic search engine and search marketing intelligence tool. On the other hand, Zoominfo specialized in providing B2B business intelligence in the form of firmographic information, contact information org charts, geographic information, and business news.

Market Intelligence Tools Comparison

Before investing in a market intelligence tools, or set of tools, consider the following key points:

  1. Goal: What are you trying to achieve with the tool? Are you looking to identify emerging market trends and monitor search behavior? Or are you looking for a database to help augment your CRM contact records and potentially add new contact records? Different tools specialize in different types of market intelligence. Make sure you match the type of tool you’re considering to your ultimate goals for using the platform.

  2. Data hygiene: Consider how regularly you need the data in the platform to be refreshed and updated. Especially for more traditional market intelligence platforms that provide contact-level and firmographic information, having clean and accurate data is essential. traditional marketing intelligence software tools refresh their data more often than others. In comparison, SEO and SEM intelligence tools often report on search data either in real-time or with a small lag.

Pricing Information

Pricing for market intelligence tools can vary widely, depending on a number of factors. For example, traditional database market intelligence tools typically have a different price range than SEO and SEM intelligence tools. The cost can also vary by the number of users, the number of features, and the volume of data included.

Most vendors that offer market intelligence databases don’t publicly disclose pricing information on their website. Interested buyers can request a quote directly from the vendor. SEO and SEM intelligence tools tend to start around $100 per month for basic plans and can increase to $500+ per month for more advanced plans that allow multiple users.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do market intelligence tools do?

Marketing intelligence tools allow businesses to get a better understanding of their marketplace, how their competitors are performing, what emerging trends are, and how their customers’ and prospects’ search behavior is changing. Most of these tools collect data from multiple data sources and aggregate them into a centralized database.

However, some tools focus on a specific type of market intelligence, such as SEO and SEM intelligence.

What are the benefits of using market intelligence tools?

Market intelligence platforms help businesses gain a clearer understanding of their marketplace. The information and data analysis provided by the tool can then help companies plan their go-to-market (GTM) strategy, uncover their total-addressable-market (TAM), make strategic business decisions, and guide a brand’s competitive strategy.

What is the best marketing intelligence software?

According to end-user feedback on TrustRadius, the top-rated market intelligence tools are:

On TrustRadius, people looking for a new market intelligence platform frequently compare these two tools with alternative products like D&B Hoovers, DiscoverOrg, Crunchbase, Lead411, and UpLead.

How much does market intelligence software cost?

Generally speaking, pricing for different types of market intelligence platforms can vary based on several factors. These include:

  • The number of users
  • The number of features
  • The type of tool

Most vendors that provide traditional market intelligence tools don’t display pricing on their website, though interested buyers can request a quote from the vendor. SEM and SEO intelligence tools tend to start at about $100 per month and can increase up to multiple hundreds of dollars per month for more advanced plans.