Building sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software

  • 143K+ Contributors
  • 7.3M+ Contributions
  • 0M+ Lines of Code

Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) serves as the vendor-neutral home for many of the fastest-growing open source projects, including Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Envoy.

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Build and shape the cloud native ecosystem and drive cross-company collaboration with more than 550 members.

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CNCF hosted projects

The CNCF hosts critical components of the global technology infrastructure. CNCF brings together the world's top developers, end users, and vendors and runs the largest open source developer conferences. CNCF is part of the non-profit Linux Foundation.

Explore CNCF Projects

CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project
CNCF Hosted Project

December 9-10, 2021

云原生计算基金会(Cloud Native Computing Foundation)于中国举办的旗舰会议聚集了领先的开源和云原生社区的采用者和技术人员。
CNCF's flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in China.

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Kubecon 2021

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