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Helsinki-16 °CPassing clouds.Su 08.02:05
New York6 °CClear.Su 01.02:05
London5 °CPartly cloudy.Su 06.02:05
Tokyo11 °CPartly sunny.Su 15.02:05

Local Time and Weather Around the World

AccraSu 06.02Clear. Warm.27 °CEdmontonLa 23.02Frigid.-14 °CNassauSu 01.02Passing clouds. Mild.23 °C
Adelaide *Su 16.32Mild.20 °CFrankfurtSu 07.02Passing clouds. Chilly.3 °CNew DelhiSu 11.32Fog. Cool.13 °C
AlgiersSu 07.02Passing clouds. Cool.14 °CGuatemala CitySu 00.02Overcast. Cool.16 °CNew OrleansSu 00.02Fog. Mild.17 °C
AlmatySu 12.02Fog. Chilly.3 °CHalifaxSu 02.02Passing clouds. Cold.-5 °CNew YorkSu 01.02Clear. Quite cool.6 °C
AmmanSu 08.02Haze. Cool.12 °CHanoiSu 13.02Passing clouds. Mild.23 °COsloSu 07.02Mostly cloudy. Cold.-6 °C
AmsterdamSu 07.02Passing clouds. Chilly.4 °CHarareSu 08.02Passing clouds. Mild.18 °COttawaSu 01.02Passing clouds. Cold.-7 °C
AnadyrSu 18.02Ice fog. Frigid.-12 °CHavanaSu 01.02Passing clouds. Mild.18 °CParisSu 07.02Passing clouds. Chilly.2 °C
AnchorageLa 21.02Light snow. Ice fog. Frigid.-13 °CHelsinkiSu 08.02Passing clouds. Frigid.-16 °CPerthSu 14.02Sunny. Hot.32 °C
AnkaraSu 09.02Passing clouds. Quite cool.5 °CHong KongSu 14.02Passing clouds. Mild.21 °CPhiladelphiaSu 01.02Passing clouds. Chilly.3 °C
AntananarivoSu 09.02Passing clouds. Mild.21 °CHonoluluLa 20.02Partly cloudy. Mild.17 °CPhoenixLa 23.02Clear. Refreshingly cool.17 °C
Asuncion *Su 03.02Clear. Warm.26 °CHoustonSu 00.02Passing clouds. Mild.21 °CPragueSu 07.02Passing clouds. Chilly.2 °C
AthensSu 08.02Cool.11 °CIndianapolisSu 01.02Passing clouds. Chilly.2 °CReykjavikSu 06.02Passing clouds. Chilly.1 °C
AtlantaSu 01.02Passing clouds. Cool.13 °CIslamabadSu 11.02Thunderstorms. Overcast. Cool.14 °CRio de JaneiroSu 03.02Passing clouds. Mild.23 °C
Auckland *Su 19.02Broken clouds. Mild.22 °CIstanbulSu 09.02Broken clouds. Cool.11 °CRiyadhSu 09.02Sunny. Mild.17 °C
BaghdadSu 09.02Passing clouds. Quite cool.6 °CJakartaSu 13.02Rain. Overcast. Warm.25 °CRomeSu 07.02Light rain. Passing clouds. Cool.13 °C
BangkokSu 13.02Passing clouds. Mild.24 °CJerusalemSu 08.02Passing clouds. Mild.17 °CSalt Lake CityLa 23.02Passing clouds. Chilly.3 °C
BarcelonaSu 07.02Passing clouds. Cool.9 °CJohannesburgSu 08.02Thundershowers. Low clouds. Cool.14 °CSan FranciscoLa 22.02Low clouds. Cool.12 °C
BeijingSu 14.02Sunny. Cool.10 °CKarachiSu 11.02Haze. Mild.23 °CSan JuanSu 02.02Passing clouds. Warm.25 °C
BeirutSu 08.02Clear. Mild.17 °CKathmanduSu 11.47Passing clouds. Mild.19 °CSan SalvadorSu 00.02Passing clouds. Warm.29 °C
BelgradeSu 07.02Clear. Chilly.3 °CKingstonSu 01.02Overcast. Warm.26 °CSantiago *Su 03.02Mild.19 °C
BengaluruSu 11.32Scattered clouds. Warm.26 °CKinshasaSu 07.02Passing clouds. Mild.22 °CSanto DomingoSu 02.02Passing clouds. Mild.24 °C
BerlinSu 07.02Ice fog. Chilly.0 °CKiritimatiSu 20.02Passing clouds. Warm.26 °CSão PauloSu 03.02Partly cloudy. Mild.17 °C
BogotaSu 01.02Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CKolkataSu 11.32Rain. Mostly cloudy. Mild.22 °CSeattleLa 22.02Passing clouds. Chilly.4 °C
BostonSu 01.02Passing clouds. Chilly.4 °CKuala LumpurSu 14.02Passing clouds. Hot.32 °CSeoulSu 15.02Sunny. Cool.9 °C
BrasiliaSu 03.02Passing clouds. Mild.21 °CKuwait CitySu 09.02Sunny. Cool.10 °CShanghaiSu 14.02Sunny. Mild.17 °C
BrisbaneSu 16.02Scattered clouds. Warm.26 °CKyivSu 08.02Passing clouds. Chilly.-3 °CSingaporeSu 14.02Partly sunny. Warm.30 °C
BrusselsSu 07.02Light rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.4 °CLa PazSu 02.02Light rain. Low clouds. Cool.8 °CSofiaSu 08.02Fog. Chilly.2 °C
BucharestSu 08.02Fog. Chilly.2 °CLagosSu 07.02Passing clouds. Warm.26 °CSt. John'sSu 02.32Passing clouds. Chilly.-2 °C
BudapestSu 07.02Light snow. Ice fog. Chilly.0 °CLahoreSu 11.02Clear. Mild.19 °CStockholmSu 07.02Overcast. Cold.-7 °C
Buenos AiresSu 03.02Clear. Mild.21 °CLas VegasLa 22.02Sunny. Mild.20 °CSuvaSu 18.02Overcast. Warm.30 °C
CairoSu 08.02Sunny. Refreshingly cool.15 °CLimaSu 01.02Overcast. Mild.20 °CSydney *Su 17.02Broken clouds. Mild.19 °C
CalgaryLa 23.02Passing clouds. Cold.-8 °CLisbonSu 06.02Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CTaipeiSu 14.02Light rain. Broken clouds. Mild.21 °C
Canberra *Su 17.02More clouds than sun. Cool.15 °CLondonSu 06.02Partly cloudy. Quite cool.5 °CTallinnSu 08.02Snow showers. Mostly cloudy. Cold.-8 °C
Cape TownSu 08.02Partly sunny. Mild.17 °CLos AngelesLa 22.02Clear. Cool.12 °CTashkentSu 11.02Overcast. Quite cool.7 °C
CaracasSu 02.02Passing clouds. Mild.24 °CMadridSu 07.02Clear. Chilly.4 °CTegucigalpaSu 00.02Passing clouds. Mild.19 °C
Casablanca *Su 07.02Clear. Quite cool.6 °CManaguaSu 00.02Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CTehranSu 09.32Passing clouds. Cool.9 °C
ChicagoSu 00.02Overcast. Chilly.4 °CManilaSu 14.02Scattered clouds. Warm.29 °CTokyoSu 15.02Partly sunny. Cool.11 °C
CopenhagenSu 07.02Passing clouds. Chilly.1 °CMelbourne *Su 17.02Partly sunny. Mild.20 °CTorontoSu 01.02Passing clouds. Chilly.0 °C
DallasSu 00.02Passing clouds. Cool.16 °CMexico CitySu 00.02Clear. Refreshingly cool.15 °CVancouverLa 22.02Passing clouds. Chilly.4 °C
Dar es SalaamSu 09.02Passing clouds. Warm.27 °CMiamiSu 01.02Passing clouds. Mild.22 °CViennaSu 07.02Light rain. Ice fog. Chilly.0 °C
DarwinSu 15.32Thunderstorms. Partly sunny. Extremely hot.34 °CMinneapolisSu 00.02Overcast. Chilly.0 °CWarsawSu 07.02Clear. Chilly.-3 °C
DenverLa 23.02Partly cloudy. Cool.7 °CMinskSu 09.02Passing clouds. Cold.-5 °CWashington DCSu 01.02Passing clouds. Cool.7 °C
DetroitSu 01.02Overcast. Chilly.2 °CMontevideoSu 03.02Passing clouds. Mild.18 °CWinnipegSu 00.02Cold.-5 °C
DhakaSu 12.02Fog. Warm.25 °CMontréalSu 01.02Passing clouds. Cold.-5 °CYangonSu 12.32Clear. Warm.28 °C
DohaSu 09.02Passing clouds. Mild.21 °CMoscowSu 09.02Light snow. Overcast. Chilly.-4 °CZagrebSu 07.02Light rain. Overcast. Chilly.2 °C
DubaiSu 10.02Sunny. Mild.21 °CMumbaiSu 11.32Haze. Mild.24 °CZürichSu 07.02Chilly.2 °C
DublinSu 06.02Passing clouds. Chilly.2 °CNairobiSu 09.02Broken clouds. Mild.17 °C

* Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (8 places).

La = Lauantai 4. Joulukuu 2021 (12 places).
Su = Sunnuntai 5. Joulukuu 2021 (128 places).

UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: Sunnuntai 5. Joulukuu 2021, 06:02:05

UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.

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