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Date Pattern Calculator

Want to know if the digits in a date are sequential, repetitive, or can be read the same way forwards and backwards? Use the Date Pattern Calculator to find out unique and interesting mathematical patterns in different date formats.

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57 patterns found for Sunnuntai 5. Joulukuu 2021

Click on any row to see an animation of the date pattern.

Readable DateOrder of DateGrouped as DateGrouped as PatternType
5. jou, 00:02:15D-MM H:MI:SS5-12 0:02:155120-0215Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 00:05:21MM-D H:MI:SS12-5 0:05:211250-0521Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 00:12:50MM-D H:MI:SS12-5 0:12:501250-1250Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou 2021, 00:21:12YY-MM-DD H:MI:SS21-12-05 0:21:1221120-5-02112Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 00:21:50DD-MM HH:MI:SS05-12 00:21:5005120-02150Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 00:50:21MM-DD HH:MI:SS12-05 00:50:2112050-05021Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 00:51:20D-MM H:MI:SS5-12 0:51:205120-5120Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou, 01:12:15D-MM H:MI:SS5-12 1:12:155121-1215Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 01:12:51MM-D H:MI:SS12-5 1:12:511251-1251Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou, 01:15:21MM-D H:MI:SS12-5 1:15:211251-1521Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou 2021, 01:22:15D-MM-YY H:MI:SS5-12-21 1:22:1551221-12215Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou 2021, 01:22:15D-MM-YY HH:MI:SS5-12-21 01:22:1551221-0-12215Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou 2021, 01:25:21MM-D-YY H:MI:SS12-5-21 1:25:2112521-12521Repeats 5 x 2
5. jou 2021, 01:25:21MM-D-YY HH:MI:SS12-5-21 01:25:2112521-0-12521Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou 2021, 01:25:21MM-D-YY H:MI:SS12-5-21 1:25:2112521-12521Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 01:51:21D-MM H:MI:SS5-12 1:51:215121-5121Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou, 02:12:52MM-D H:MI:SS12-5 2:12:521252-1252Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou 2021, 02:21:50DD-MM-YY H:MI:SS05-12-21 2:21:5005122-1-22150Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 02:22:15D-MM H:MI:SS5-12 2:22:155122-2215Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 02:25:21MM-D H:MI:SS12-5 2:25:211252-2521Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou 2021, 02:50:21MM-DD-YY H:MI:SS12-05-21 2:50:2112052-1-25021Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 02:51:22D-MM H:MI:SS5-12 2:51:225122-5122Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou, 03:12:53MM-D H:MI:SS12-5 3:12:531253-1253Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou, 03:32:15D-MM H:MI:SS5-12 3:32:155123-3215Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 03:35:21MM-D H:MI:SS12-5 3:35:211253-3521Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 03:51:23D-MM H:MI:SS5-12 3:51:235123-5123Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou, 04:12:54MM-D H:MI:SS12-5 4:12:541254-1254Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou, 04:42:15D-MM H:MI:SS5-12 4:42:155124-4215Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 04:45:21MM-D H:MI:SS12-5 4:45:211254-4521Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 04:51:24D-MM H:MI:SS5-12 4:51:245124-5124Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou, 05:12:55MM-D H:MI:SS12-5 5:12:551255-1255Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou 2021, 05D-MM-YY H5-12-21 5512-215Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 05:51:25D-MM H:MI:SS5-12 5:51:255125-5125Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou, 05:52:15D-MM H:MI:SS5-12 5:52:155125-5215Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 05:55:21MM-D H:MI:SS12-5 5:55:211255-5521Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 06:12:56MM-D H:MI:SS12-5 6:12:561256-1256Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou, 06:51:26D-MM H:MI:SS5-12 6:51:265126-5126Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou, 07:12:57MM-D H:MI:SS12-5 7:12:571257-1257Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou, 07:51:27D-MM H:MI:SS5-12 7:51:275127-5127Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou, 08:12:58MM-D H:MI:SS12-5 8:12:581258-1258Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou, 08:51:28D-MM H:MI:SS5-12 8:51:285128-5128Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou, 09:12:59MM-D H:MI:SS12-5 9:12:591259-1259Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou, 09:51:29D-MM H:MI:SS5-12 9:51:295129-5129Repeats 4 x 2
5. jou, 11:21:50DD-MM HH:MI:SS05-12 11:21:5005121-12150Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou 2021, 11:22:15D-MM-YY HH:MI:SS5-12-21 11:22:1551221-1-12215Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou 2021, 11:25:21MM-D-YY HH:MI:SS12-5-21 11:25:2112521-1-12521Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 11:50:21MM-DD HH:MI:SS12-05 11:50:2112051-15021Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou 2021, 12:21:50DD-MM-YY HH:MI:SS05-12-21 12:21:50051221-122150Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou 2021, 12:50:21MM-DD-YY HH:MI:SS12-05-21 12:50:21120521-125021Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou 2021, 20:25:21MM-D-YYYY HH:MI:SS12-5-2021 20:25:21125202-1-202521Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou 2021, 21:12:02YYYY-MM-D HH:MI:SS2021-12-5 21:12:02202112-5-211202Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou 2021, 21:22:15D-MM-YY HH:MI:SS5-12-21 21:22:1551221-2-12215Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou 2021, 21:25:21MM-D-YY HH:MI:SS12-5-21 21:25:2112521-2-12521Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 21.50DD-MM HH:MI05-12 21:500512-2150Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 22:21:50DD-MM HH:MI:SS05-12 22:21:5005122-22150Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou, 22:50:21MM-DD HH:MI:SS12-05 22:50:2112052-25021Palindrome (reverse)
5. jou 2021MM-D-YY12-5-2112-5-21Palindrome (reverse)

The results table highlights the dates that are most interesting and easiest to read in green. The type of pattern shows whether the date is a reversible date (palindrome) or repeatable date.