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Database Tools

Results 1-20 of 25
Android and IOS source code for starting a Taxi booking app
Now start taxi business service like Uber. Give reliable service to your customers. Build uber like mobile app for your taxi business service.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 999.00
jOOQ effectively combines complex SQL, typesafety, source code generation, active records, stored procedures, advanced data types, and Java in a fluent, intuitive DSL.
(3 ratings)
DBF2Mysql converter
Create sql queries from old DBF files : We used the javadbf library to process DBF files and create mysql insert commands. Even though quite old, this library works perfectly with legacy DBF data and has enough functions to do the job. Here comes the first version of our class, which actually performs DBF2MYSQL
(0 ratings)
browse database structure, create SQL queries without directly writing SQL, edit tables directly via the data grid, jump from record(FK) to record(PK) or vice versa and more...
(3 ratings)
Easily edit your mySql databases with adminApp! Edit with search, replace, fill capabilities. Excel style spead sheet editing directly to your database. * No DataBase Drivers needed. Works with any php - mysql enabled web-server. Built in Web-Browser to Database interaction. Advanced LiveHelp Module.
(0 ratings)
H2 Database Engine
H2 is a free and fast SQL database engine written in Java. Included are a JDBC and ODBC driver. Both disk based and in memory operation are supported. It can run in embedded and client / server mode. A web console application is included. Clustering is supported as well. It can run as a Java application or as a native executable.
(6 ratings)
InfoCaptor : Dashboard Designer and Viewer
A tool that allows users to create dashboards using simple SQL query and helps the user to organize their frequently used SQL queries. InfoCaptor is a Rapid Development tool that helps you create, manage and publish Dashboards (�Views�). InfoCaptor Dashboards can display information from different Databases on the same page. These dash-boards allow for summarized (aggregated) view of information as well as detailed view that make up the summarized (aggregated) information. Each dashboard can have any number of SQL queries with parameters and connect to different database instance of your choice. You can define any number of Drills on any column. You can format the output data with a rich set of formatting options. You can export the formatted data to excel. Some of the free dashboards Database Object Browser DBA Dashboard System Administrator Dashboard Datawarehouse Dashboard
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 199.95
SpeedJDB was developed for DBAs in order for them to get a uniform interface for all common databases. This has been achieved by using the JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API that makes it possible to execute SQL selects against all databases that provide corresponding JDBC drivers, or that have drivers available for; these are nearly all database systems.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.50
Cach� Monitor
Cach� Monitor is an SQL development tool designed for InterSystems database Cach� It supports developers with many features: * Advanced SQL Query Editor o Cach�-SQL Syntax highlighting o SQL Code completion (Shows Tables,Views,Columns and Indexes) o SQL History o Parallel (multi-threaded) queries o The Graphical SQL execution plan supplies index and selectivity information from every used index in the plan o SQL abbreviations, Type: se<space> to complete to "SELECT * FROM " o TuneTable for selected Tables or whole Namespaces o Select2Table Function * DDL Code generation (CREATE TABLE) * MetaData-Browser for o Namespaces o Tables o Views o Routines o Classes o CachedQueries o Stored Procedures o Indexes
(0 ratings)
PKLite SQL Client
PKLite SQL Client is an Open Source Java program can connect to any JDBC compliant database. It has basic query and update functionality and some simple database information capabilities. The goal of this project was to create a lightweight SQL client (~ 1 MB) that was portable, easy to install and be vender independent. There are still some issues to be worked out so that is can be completely database vender independent but with this new build it is able to connect to any database that has a JDBC driver and run on any OS that has a Java VM.
(0 ratings)
Jisql - a Java command line interactive SQL tool
Jisql is a Java based utility to provide a command line interactive session with a SQL server. This application is conceptually modeled on the Sybase 'isql' program with, obviously, strong similarities to Microsoft SQL/Server isql and osql.
(3 ratings)
SQuirreL SQL Client
SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical Java program that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands etc. SQuirreL's functionality can be extended through the use of plugins.
(4 ratings)
JDataStore is a fast, versatile, all-Java database that allows developers to write powerful, scalable stand-alone, embedded, mobile and Web based applications. JDataStore is the database of choice for Oracle, DB2 and SQL Server developers when they have a project that requires a powerful but compact database that must run maintenance free in production environments where there is no dba or IT support. JDataStore is J2EE and SQL 92 compliant and it is so fast that it can make sluggish Java applications look good.
(0 ratings)
Daffodil DB
Daffodil DB is a SQL 99 specification compliant, powerful, reliable, scalable and high-performance java database engine (RDBMS) which can run in embedded or server mode and can be included as a jar file in any java application.
(0 ratings)
HSQLDB is a relational database engine written in Java, with a JDBC driver, supporting a rich subset of ANSI-92 SQL. It offers a small (less than 160k), fast database engine which offers both in memory and disk based tables. Embedded and server modes are available. Additionally, it includes tools such as a minimal web server, in-memory query and management tools (can be run as applets) and a number of demonstration examples. The product is currently being used as a database and persistence engine in many Open Source Software projects and even in commercial projects and products. This product includes HypersonicSQL.
(7 ratings)
Cayenne is an object-relational persistence framework written in Java. It provides tools and libraries to work with relational databases in an object-oriented way. Cayenne consists of class libraries and a GUI tool for O/R mapping and deployment.
(0 ratings)
Aqua Data Studio
Aqua Data Studio is a SQL editor and developer tool that allows developers to easily create edit and execute SQL scripts as well as browse database structures. Aqua Data Studio provides an integrated database environment with a single consistent inferface to all major relational databases. This allows the DBA or developer to tackle multiple tasks simultaneously from one application.
(3 ratings)
Price 149.00
JCDatabase is an alternative to JDBC with the following advantages: (1) JCDatabase does not require you to run a database server or configure your system to provide access to a local database, (2) JCDatabase can be deployed either on a server for access by many users or as part of a traditional client-side application using direct file access and (3) JCDatabase has the actual database built into it, leveraging the standard Java file access methods.
(0 ratings)
Daffodil DB
Daffodil DB is a Java RDBMS, SQL-99 specification compliant, capable, reliable, scalable, high-performance, embeddable, lightweight java-based relational database engine (RDBMS). Daffodil DB supports almost all constructs of SQL 99 (including triggers, views, constraints, UDT, stored procedures etc),supports distributed transactions (XA), provides complete JDBC 3.0 (Java Database Connectivity) driver and can run in embedded or server mode. Daffodil DB includes Daffodil DB Browser, a GUI based database management tool.
(4 ratings)
Axion Java RDBMS
Axion is a small, fast, SQL and JDBC compliant relational database system written in and for the Java programming language.
(3 ratings)
Results 1-20 of 25