
How do you like to spend your time, Code Poet? Crafting sentences or crafting lines of PHP? Thinking about your phrasing or your functions? Hanging out in your local library or your localhost?

Code is poetry, but you’re struggling to make the words on the surface reflect the beauty that lies beneath. It’s a shame, because many of the people who use WordPress, your potential customers, don’t speak PHP, don’t know what the loop is, will never open your template files to see the painstaking lines of code, will never become breathless over your ingenious use of actions and filters.

Users want a product that works and that is as easy-to-use as WordPress itself. They need a user interface that is easy-to-follow, not riddled with grammar and spelling mistakes, web content that tells them clearly what your product does, and supporting documentation that helps them do what they need, fast. Anything less and you do no justice to your code.

Enter Words for WP. I will ensure that your users’ experience of your product is as much fun as using WordPress itself. This means working with you to create a flawless user interface, documents that are helpful, and landing page content that sells your product to your audience.

It’s simple really. While you code, I write. Together we’ll make something beautiful.

Your code is poetry, make sure your words are too.

What do our clients say?


Working with Siobhan at Smashing Magazine is an awesome experience. She is a brilliant WordPress author who writes in-depth and insightful articles covering some of the most interesting aspects of WordPress. In her work she is engaging and critical, with a writing style that is concise, well-focused, and always enjoyable. Hands down, Siobhan produces some of the most creative, highest quality WordPress content I have seen.

Jeff Starr, WordPress Editor, Smashing Magazine


You might find yourself’s sitting around the virtual table thinking, “Nah, we can just write it ourselves” or “It’s easier if we just proof-read our own content” or “How do you measure the return on this investment?” Here is what I can tell you that we have learned during the process, “sometimes the most effective changes are the ones you never hear about and can’t measure.” It also comes down to time, Words for WP did in a few weeks what would have probably taken us months. Time is valuable, especially your time as an entrepreneur / business owner, spend it wisely.

Tony Perez, Sucuri Security


Siobhan doesn’t just write – she conceives, researches, considers, frames, illustrates… and then she writes some of the best sh*t you’re likely to get your hands on. The great thing about working with Siobhan is that it makes my life *easy*, knowing that she’ll be doing a better job that I could, means I can leave her to it. If you’re looking for a professional, honest, frank and focused copywriter, you’re not going to get much better than Siobhan.

James Farmer, Incsub


Does your business have customers that are important to you? Then, NEVER hire Words for WP. Having Siobhan on YOUR team will do waaaaay too much good for you and your goals of building your business. Take it from your competition, trust me, we are at bare minimum competing for spots in Siobhan’s jam-packed schedule, what YOU need is someone who is not talented, conscientious, or trustworthy. You need someone who does not deliver on time and on budget, in short, someone who will NOT delight your customers and your team. Nope, trust me, you don’t need Siobhan, which is good, because my gargantuan goals do need Siobhan.

Jason Hobbs Small Business Enabler


We contacted Siobhan about re-writing the copy on CatalystTheme.com to help better communicate our product and services with our potential customers. Within a few weeks we were in the process of re-designing our site around her perfectly tailored text and couldn’t have been happier! So now we are quick to recommend Words for WP to anyone in need to overhauling their less than effective web copy or who just don’t know where to start and need a push in the right direction.

Eric Hamm, Catalyst Theme

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Can’t find the right words?

What I can do

User Documentation

Professional user documentation enhances your users’ experience of your product, and makes it easy for them to achieve what they need. That means less support requests for you and more time spent coding

User Interface

Don’t let your code down with poorly written user interface text. Keep it clean, simple and to the point. Maintain a professional appearance while making your product easy-to-use.


Teach your users how to do something practical with your product. Walk them through the process in clear logical steps. This practical approach to learning ensures your users learn what they need.

Website Copywriting

Effective copywriting persuades visitors of the benefits of your product. That’s why your copywriter should know both your product and WordPress inside out, so that every benefit gets sold.


Everyone learns differently. Some read, some do tutorials, some like to watch. Easy-to-follow, quality screencasts can show off your product and ensure that all of your users learn what they need.

User Experience

Don’t just provide your users with content, provide them with a learning experience. Turn your users into experts. Educated users will educate others, helping out on forums and strengthening your community.

Readme Content

The WordPress repositories are the ideal home for your free WordPress plugins and themes. Your readme is an opportunity to stand out from everyone else. Make sure it’s doing its job.


If you want to keep your documentation services in-house, but would like some guidance with your documentation strategy, I can help you out. This will include a complete review of your documentation and user interface

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