
Social Engagement

Serving Communities

At APEI, we believe that service to society is key to our success. That service extends beyond the realm of education to investing in communities, supporting social responsibility initiatives, and cultivating diversity.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to provide affordable, accessible and relevant higher education to adult learners, including active duty military. Toward that end, we are dedicated to offering high quality, accredited degree programs and to keeping tuition low—so we can provide a high return on investment for our students-our commitment to HEROi.

We lead in that regard. APUS is among the most affordable regionally-accredited institutions in the country. And, a 2019 Georgetown University study puts APUS in the top 2% among U.S. colleges in terms of delivering economic value to graduates.

Active duty military can earn an APUS degree with minimal or no out of pocket expense. Our book grant program provides course materials at no cost to active duty military and undergraduates. Since 2001, APUS has provided approximately $144 million textbooks and course materials to students at no charge.

A Safe and Fair Workplace

APEI believes in providing and fostering a safe, healthy, nurturing workplace and academic environment.

We offer a range of training programs to our employees, faculty and executive management, including diversity, anti-corruption and anti-discrimination training, as well as a Whistleblower Hotline for employees. Our attractive benefits packages include professional development, flexible hours, remote work options and wellness/fitness programs. In addition, we are committed to a fair and living wage for our full-time employees.

We seek to do business with partners who conduct their affairs in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and who are also committed to the highest ethical standards and business practices compatible with our values—including with respect to human rights, fair and living wages, and zero tolerance for child labor, forces labor, slave labor and human trafficking.


Supporting Communities

Our many students and graduates are making a difference in communities all across America. Many of our students and alumni are active duty military and veterans as well as first responders, fire fighters and police officers. They are members of the intelligence and Homeland Security communities, and our nurse and nurse practitioner graduates are now an even more vital part of the workforce serving in America’s hospitals and emergency rooms.

We support programs that benefit those who serve and their families, such as Boulder Crest and Wreaths Across America, and lend our support to local middle and high schools, Adopt a Highway cleanup programs, local hospitals and other civic programs.

We also support the communities in which we are located. Headquartered in the City of Charles Town, West Virginia, we have been recognized for our preservation efforts and civic contributions locally. We make our facilities and library available to the city and local community groups, and we recently sold an administrative building to the City of Charles Town for a new police station at significantly below market value.


Here are some of our longtime commitments

  • wreaths america
  • susan komen
  • Awarding annual scholarships

    Awarding annual scholarships to high school seniors in Charles Town, WV

  • Community
            Health Fairs

    Supporting Community Health Fairs and many more

Customer Focus — Affordable, Accessible & High Quality

A 2019 Georgetown University study puts APUS in the top 2% among U.S. colleges in terms of delivering economic value to graduates. The combination of affordable tuition paired with career-minded programs and courses is designed to help APUS students maximize their return on educational investment.

image2 APUS in top 2% of universities in delivering economic value to graduates1
image1 72% of alumni graduated with no APUS-incurred student loan debt2

Approximately 72% of AMU and APU alumni have graduated with no APUS-incurred student loan debt. This includes alumni who graduated with an Associate’s, Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from APUS as of May 1, 2019. Student loan debt is defined as student loans and private education loans and considers tuition, fees, living expenses and book costs associated with courses taken at APUS.

In 2019, our faculty published approximately 500 articles, books and papers; earned nearly 100 awards for their professional practice, research and community service; and presented at more than 600 conferences and workshops. They are leaders and practitioners in their fields, and dedicated to the success of their students.


Social Responsibility Fact SheetDownload PDF

1 November 2019 study conducted by Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce.

2 Includes alumni who graduated with an Associate’s, Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from APUS as of May 1, 2019. Student loan debt is defined as student loans and private education loans and considers tuition, fees, living expenses and book costs associated with courses taken at APUS.