MariaDB Server: The open source relational database

CfP for the MariaDB devroom FOSDEM 2022 now open

MariaDB is happy to again be hosting a devroom at FOSDEM 2022. This year’s event will be the second virtual FOSDEM, and the MariaDB devroom will take place on Saturday 5 February 2022. …

Server MiniFest Wed 8 Dec 2021: From the Frontlines

Join our next Server MiniFest, to get the latest news from the MariaDB Server frontlines – in a fresh format inspired by Not the Nine O’Clock News. …

FOSDEM filming party

Dear FOSDEM fans! No f2f or even hybrid FOSDEM 2022 – we hear that with a combination of resigned sadness and understanding for those responsible of having 8000 people gather in one space. …

MariaDB 10.7.1 RC, and MariaDB 10.6.5, 10.5.13, 10.4.22, 10.3.32 and 10.2.41 now available

The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB 10.7.1, the first release candidate in the MariaDB 10.7 series, as well as MariaDB 10.6.5, MariaDB 10.5.13, MariaDB 10.4.22, MariaDB 10.3.32 and MariaDB 10.2.41, the latest stable releases in their respective series. …

MariaDB & Python: A Match?

Python is my personal favourite programming language, at least this century. So when the opportunity presented itself to have a talk at PyConZA, off I went. …