Support » Fixing WordPress » What themes am I actually using?

  • I am now managing my own wordpress website after it was developed by a web developer who is no longer available. I have a number of themes installed and I would like to know if there is a way I can know which ones I’m actually using. I use an Avada theme template but then I also have twenty sixteen, twenty seventeen, twenty nineteen, twenty twenty and twenty twenty-one themes also installed. I don’t know what these do but every time I do the updates my website breaks or doesn’t display properly. I’m wondering if the themes have something to do with it.

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  • Hi,

    There are few default WordPress themes available when you setup WordPress on your server and those themes don’t have issues as they are actively maintained by the WordPress community. If you want to check your current active theme then you can do that by going to your admin Dashboard > Appearance > Themes and check which one is active.

    It could be possible that your Avada theme has issues or it is not updated and that is the one which is active and causing issues.

    Kind Regards,

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