Support » Fixing WordPress » Homepage Display for multi langiahe

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  • Hi,

    It looks your language switcher menu needs to be updated. At present it is referencing to the old URL which needs to be changed to this URL .

    Please check your Polylang plugin settings and make sure they are configured correctly.You can explore this article of Polylang plugin for language switcher settings which could be helpful.

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter tham007


    I already update the language switcher. The article have show all language. However, my screen only show direct language name which are English and Chinese. My initial intention setting of the main & default language is English and translate language is Chinese.
    Just now, I retry again and found Chinese become main and English is second. I do recheck my main page setting all are English. (Header and appearance menu setting still show English page). I really don’t know which part are wrong.

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