Support » Fixing WordPress » Error 503 everytime making changes to wordpress

  • hi

    so every time i made changes such as updating, creating new posts, make bulk changes
    my WordPress is always down with HTTP error 503 for 3-4 minutes and then it resume normally

    Service Unavailable
    The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

    It seems (im guessing it was a database issue but im still unsure)..
    is there any guide/recommendation step to fix this issue? maybe external link


    • This topic was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by mitre7tani.
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  • Hi,

    It looks your server is not functioning properly. Can you please contact your hosting provider and check with them. It looks the server might be overloaded and due to that it is not able to entertain the request and that is the reason it works for sometime and then is down again.

    Also the other possibility could be that server is going through any maintenance. Please do not link this issue with the database. I will recommend to contact your hosting provider.

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter mitre7tani


    hi themejungle

    im not using shared hosting, my WordPress is running on my own server



    HTTP503 errors are caused by the server being overloaded. That can be caused by too many people accessing your site (which means you may need a bigger server), a database whose _posts and _postmeta tables have grown too large (also means you may need a bigger server), poor configuration settings for MySQL/Apache/PHP/etc, or maybe you just have too many plugins loaded. It could be caused by a combination of these as well.

    If you have your own server, then I suggest you inspect your server logs to determine why this is happening.

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