Support » Fixing WordPress » Edit posts broken?

  • Hello everyone.
    I’m having issues with editing wordpress themes. I’ve tried every browser, chrome, firefox, edge, but i keep getting the same visual error. Basically the page looks like it’s broken where all elements are overlapping eachother. I’m new to wordpress so I don’t know what the root problem may be. I’m on windows 10 btw. I’ve attached a screenschot here so you can see.

    Help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi,

    It looks that your server might be down or is going through the maintenance due to that sometimes it takes too much time to load any page and if it is not loaded properly it displays like that in the screenshot. Can you please wait for sometime and then recheck again if it is working fine or not.

    Kind Regards,

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