Support » Fixing WordPress » Customizer isn’t working

  • For some reason my customizer won’t work at all. I’m trying to change the color of the Nav Menu but whenever i click on the header settings, nothing happens (see loom video). The customizer will open but if i try to click on Header Builder or Menu (or anything) nothing actually opens like it usually does. There’s no new plugins and everything is up to date. Everything has been working for months and nothing has really changed, not sure why it wont work.

    I’ve cleared the google cache, shut down my computer, double checked that the wordpress URL and the Site address are identical, and there’s no invalid menu items.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter trenttarala


    i know it’s hard to tell but all those settings I hover over are being clicked in that video. Not sure why the footer builder settings half worked either


    It might be possible that Header settings are generating errors. Can you check your server logs or the other possibility could be any Javascript errors in the console. You should switch to default WordPress theme and then try to access its customizer and settings, if that works fine then it could be linked with the theme.

    Kind Regards,

    You do have a javascript error that states JQuery isn’t defined. This could happen if a script fails to list itself as being dependent on JQuery. WordPress loads jQuery as a default package. But, if a script runs before JQuery has been loaded it will produce an error. My guess is that one of your scripts loaded before it was ready. This could happen in a plugin or in the Functions.php file. Try disabling your plugins and reenable them one at a time until the error returns then contact the developer for help.

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