Support » Fixing WordPress » Clone wordpress

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  • Hi,

    Not Found Error comes when a server is not able to find the requested page. Once you have migrated everything please update your permalinks as well under admin Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks and update your site permalinks.

    Please also check that the checkout and account page do exist on your website. You can check if the page has been migrated successfully or not.

    If you are using Woocommerce plugin then check its settings as well and verify if Woocommerce pages are selected and configured.

    Kind Regards,

    Halo @nisrinaqa,

    Saran yang diberikan oleh @themesjungle sepertinya perlu dicoba. Karena sepertinya memang masalah terjadi pada permalink yang belum dapat dibaca oleh server baru Anda.

    Dari dashboard situs Anda, akses menu Settings > Permalinks. Dan klik update/simpan.


    Thread Starter nisrinaqa


    @kharisblank @themesjungle terimakasih atas sarannya

    Thread Starter nisrinaqa


    @kharisblank @themesjungle maaf ada yang tau permalink ke checkout dan account, saya sudah mencoba mengganti permalinknya, hasilnya kadang blank page dan not found.

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