Support » Fixing WordPress » Admin Dashboard 404 Error (WordPress database error)

  • When I log in to my WordPress admin, I get 404 error. Only thing I had done before this happens is resetting password about a week ago.

    I’ve tried disabling plugins by changing its folder name using FTP and it didn’t work. Here’s what I’ve found so far..

    This is from error logs:
    `mod_fcgid: stderr: WordPress database error INSERT, UPDATE command denied to user […]

    I tried GRANT all permissions to the user in PHP admin, but didn’t work. Actually I’m not even sure I did it right.

    Also, I found that used disk space is larger than maximum disk space.

    I contacted to my Hosting service and I didn’t get any useful helps. They told me to ask WP..Please help me to resolve this!

    • This topic was modified 2 days, 3 hours ago by switbriz.
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  • Hi,

    It looks like your user does not have all permissions, it could be a configuration issue as well. You should verify that your database user has all privileges. Maybe you can try to create a new user and assign all privileges via your CPanel for your WP site and then also update it in the config file as well and then check again.

    Kind Regards,

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