A year ago, I stood in Columbia, South Carolina, grateful that the voters of the Palmetto State–and especially the backbone of the Democratic Party, the African-American community–had set us on a course to the presidency.

That night, I said that ours was a campaign for the people who had been…

Democracies are built on the simple concept that citizens have a right to elect their leaders and have a say in their country’s future. After suffering systematic repression for the past 26 years under the authoritarian regime of President Alexander Lukashenka, the people of Belarus are demanding their voices be…

Bristol Bay has been foundational to the way of life of Alaska Natives for countless generations, provides incredible joy for recreational anglers from across the country, and is an economic powerhouse that supplies half of the world’s wild sockeye salmon. It is no place for a mine. The Obama-Biden Administration…

Joe Biden

Senator, Vice President, 2020 candidate for President, husband to Jill, proud father and grandfather. Join our campaign: JoeBiden.com

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