
Wake me up till SAS summit ends

Kaspersky Security Analyst Summit, SAS at Home 2021

What do cyberthreats, Kubernetes and donuts have in common – except that all three end in “ts”, that is? All these topics will be mentioned during the new SAS@Home online conference, scheduled for September 28th-29th, 2021. To be more specific, there will be a workshop titled, “Prevent & Detect Security Threats in the Kubernetes Era” and a presentation titled, “Time to Make the Donuts”, the latter presumably not about actual doughnuts. As for cyberthreats, this topic is always on the table because it is the phenomenon we confront every day and the cause that unites us researchers.

What else can we offer during the two eventful days?

  • Kaspersky experts Igor Kuznetsov and Georgy Kucherin will tell a story of how they investigated top-class commercial spyware and dissected an infamous toolset.
  • Rintaro Koike, Shogo Hayashi and Ryuichi Tanabe of NTT Security, Japan will present a research paper, titled, “Operation Software Concepts: A Beautiful Envelope for Wrapping Weapon”.
  • Ivan Kwiatkowski and Pierre Delcher of Kaspersky GReAT will describe possible links between the Tomiris malware and the supply-chain attacks on Solarwind.
  • PWC’s John Southworth will teach the audience to dance with APT41.
  • More details about the GhostEmperor APT, tools to catch zero-click zero-days, supply-chain attacks in Farsi and, of course, our usual workshops.

Last but not least, we are preparing worthy challenges for everyone interested in malware analysis and threat hunting. During SAS@Home, the 9th Edition of our, by now well-established, CTF/Hackgame, players will compete in five categories, trying to solve challenges presented by CTF hosts David Jacoby and Marco Preuss. This year, we will have the following categories: kNOW yOUR eNEMY, dEBUGGERS pARADISE, oLDsKOOL, cODEbREAKER and THE WiLD WEB, each with five amazing levels. You do not need to be a reversing wizard, guru programmer or ninja analyst – there is something for everyone to tackle and solve.

At the end, the top five players will win a seat at Kaspersky xTraining, worth $1,400! However, our game is not just about prizes, but having fun and learning something new. Always remember: you cannot loose anything, but you can win it all.

Wake me up till SAS summit ends

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APT trends report Q3 2021

The APT trends reports are based on our threat intelligence research and provide a representative snapshot of what we have discussed in greater detail in our private APT reports. This is our latest installment, focusing on activities that we observed during Q3 2021.

Lyceum group reborn

According to older public researches, Lyceum conducted operations against organizations in the energy and telecommunications sectors across the Middle East. In 2021, we have been able to identify a new cluster of the group’s activity, focused on two entities in Tunisia.

GhostEmperor: From ProxyLogon to kernel mode

While investigating a recent rise of attacks against Exchange servers, we noticed a recurring cluster of activity that appeared in several distinct compromised networks. With a long-standing operation, high profile victims, advanced toolset and no affinity to a known threat actor, we decided to dub the cluster GhostEmperor.

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