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PublishPress’s Frequently Asked Questions

Can I modify the PublishPress plugin code?

Yes, we don't encrypt any code. However, we don't provide support for custom code, so you are welcome to customize the code, but we can't support your changes.

Do the plugins access any data on my WordPress site?

No, that's the beauty of open source. We provide the plugin code and then you are free to do whatever you wish. We do not access any data on your WordPress site.

We do ask for your name and billing details when you sign up. We do also record the URL if you enter the license key into your site.

What license is used for your plugins?

We release all our plugins under the GPL license.

Does use recurring payments?

Yes, we do. If you change your mind, they are easy to cancel. We sell 100% risk-free recurring subscriptions:

  • We send you reminder emails before all renewals.
  • If the subscription renews, and you did not want it to, we will give you a refund within 14 days of the renewal.

Why does use recurring subscriptions?

You can buy the plugin and immediately cancel your subscription. However, we encourage you to remain a subscriber because these plugins require continuous ongoing development. Our team needs to update the code for every new WordPress version, even the minor ones. We are also constantly updating them to work with other WordPress plugins, to fix bugs, and to meet the needs of third-party services such as Google.

Your subscription makes it possible for us to keep up with all this work. Plus, a well-maintained plugin will make your site work better and be less vulnerable.

What happens if I don't renew my subscription?

You can continue using the plugin even after your subscription expires. However, after your subscription expires, you will lose access to our support team. Also, you will not receive any more updates. These updates contain security and bug fixes, as well as new features.

I found “Nulled” versions of the PublishPress plugins on other sites

Yes, some other websites to provide versions of the PublishPress plugins. Click for details on why you should avoid Nulled version of our plugins.

Professional publishing plugins for WordPress! Get PublishPress