IME Services

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Just enter the details below and instantly find out the exact charges for sending your money.


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Find your nearest IME counters to receive your remittance.

From our 30,000 plus locations spread across Nepal, you are just a click away to find your nearest IME counters to receive your remittance money sent by your loved ones.

Get the exchange rate

SN Flag Country Currency Units Rates
1 AE United Arab Emirates AED 1 32.32
2 BH Bahrain BHD 1 314.767
3 JP Japan JPY 1 1.0238
4 KW Kuwait KWD 1 392.1718
5 QA Qatar QAR 1 32.52

Our services

We believe in providing you with simple and convenient options to Send and Receive your money here in Nepal
Instant Cash Pickup

01. Instant Cash Pickup

Our 35000+ IME counters are ready to cater to your cashout needs


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Real Time Account Deposit

02. Real Time Account Deposit

Have your money deposited directly into your bank accounts at your whim.

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Real Time IME Pay Wallet Deposit

03. Real Time IME Pay Wallet Deposit

Have your money deposited directly into your IME Pay wallet account instantly anytime.

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Receive your remittance directly in your

IME Pay.

Get interest & Rs.200 bonus


Fast, Reliable & Secure

Fast, Reliable & Secure

At IME, we ensure money transfer services are provided in a fastest and a safest manner possible. Safety and security of the money sent has been our major priority. 

20 years of experience

20 years of experience

With over 20 years of experience in money transfer, trust us to take care of your money transfer needs. 

Global Network

Global Network

With a global network and presence in more than 200 countries and networks spanned over one million locations around the world, rely on us to globally and locally transfer your money.

Ease & Convenience

Ease & Convenience

We realize how important money transfer is for you and your loved ones and prioritize your ease and convenience.

35,000+ payout locations
5millions households benefitted
5000+ employment generated

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