Standardni widgeti


Standardni widgeti su službeni plugin koji održava WordPress tim a koji resetira ekran za upravljanje widgetima na standardni (“classic”). Bit će podržan i održavan do barem 2022, ili koliko god bude potrebno.

Jednom kad se aktivira, resetira na standardni (“classic”) WordPress ekran za widgete i onemogući tzv. block editor za njihovo upravljanje. Ne postoji dodatna konfiguracija, standardni ekran za upravljanje widgetima se omogući ili onemogući aktiviranjem i deaktiviranjem ovog plugina.


Ima li vlastite postavke?

Plugin nema vlastite postavke. Jednom kad se aktivira, resetira na standardni (“classic”) WordPress ekran za widgete i onemogući tzv. block editor za njihovo upravljanje.


25. studenoga 2021.
Good lord I didn't realise that feature creep had infected the widgets options too!! The new block editor widgets are TERRIBLE! I've already updated to wordpress 5.8 on many many sites. It was only until I had to update a theme that used widgets when I realised how horrible the new way is. I use the classic editor as well. Luckily classic widgets is available! (although wordpress really should stop mucking about with what was a good UI/UX) This is an essential plugin!
22. studenoga 2021.
Can't stand the gutenberg blocks. As a professional who works with code I hate the code bloat and messiness of the block system. Thank goodness for this plugin!
19. studenoga 2021.
Thank you for providing this, the new block widgets don't work for me at all as they are incompatible with some widgets I use, and also not easy to add a custom css class.
16. studenoga 2021.
Thanks for the plugin, Classic mode is so much more effective/speedy then the new Gutenberg Blocks Cheers, Ed'
15. studenoga 2021.
Finally! The "Classic Widgets" works great. Now I can easily compose the widgets. The classic widget is much more clear than the original widgets from WordPress. Also I don't have problems with alignment in the footer. Thank you very much!
13. studenoga 2021.
I was surprised and annoyed today to see my sidebar and bottom bar BROKEN by this "Block Widget" nonsense. Thank goodness for this plugin. I was able to reset my widgets to get my site back up and running again. To the core WordPress developers, there's an old saying... If it aint broke - DON'T try to "fix" it. smh.
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