Tag archive for "password"


Silence While interacting with gnupg on Debian/Ubuntu it is often necessary to input a passphrase. I found the most reliable way to do this from the command line is to use gpg-agent and configure the pinentry tool to be command line based. This may break GUI apps though that need a … more

i3 window manager I use a custom screen locking script together with xautolock for automatic locking and manual locking when needed. To prevent multiple i3lock instances from starting I use an atomically created mutex. The script has somewhat excessive logging that still remains from the time it was buggy. more

What happened to bitcoin-24.com?


Bad: Licensing, Data leak, Password security, Accounting, DB integrity and Float arithmetic. Donations: [donatebitcoin] No BTC? 2020-04-16 Bitcoin24 and Corona Virus Who would have thought... seven years later and there are still things happening around Bitcoin24. The refund effort started by Jeff has made slow, steady progress over the years … more

Update: See also http://kuttler.eu/code/wordpress-emergency-admin/ which is a little easier to use. Recently I had to update a site but didn't have an admin account or access to the SQL database. So I wrote this short script to reset a forgotten password. To use it, edit it and fill in the … more

You can use wget to mirror pages that use cookies to authenticate visitors. That's usually the case when there is a login form on a site. more

Password protecting the wp-admin directory


Several places recommend to block the WordPress admin area with a password. While this certainly is a good idea, implementing it properly is non-trivial. One of the problems is that the WordPress Ajax handler script is located in the admin directory. So password-protecting the admin area will break all Ajax … more

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