Tag archive for "marketing"

Visitor Movies for WordPress


Did you ever want to know what exactly your visitors are doing on your site? Watch them! A client of mine wanted a plugin to log what users type into forms. I kind of didn't see the point at first. But a few days later I was a little annoyed … more

Displaying a smaller banner in an Openx zone


Did you ever want to chain a zone with smaller banners after a zone with big banners in Openx? This sounds like useful feature. We don't live in the 90s anymore where every page had a pixel-precise table layout. The world has learned how to build fluid layouts. One the … more

Preview Openx geotargeting for different countries


Openx is an open source ad server. If you have more than one website or simply want a flexible system for targeting your ads to the right audience, it's worth a look. One of many features is the built-in Geotargeting plugin. Of course, after adding local ads to your database, … more

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