Tag archive for "Automation"

I have always tried to work smarter, not harder. When I started my career in IT I had a lot to learn, and I always enjoyed it when I could automate a task or make it more reliable. Automation saves time that can be spent on more important things like continuous learning, delivering features and communicating with others.

Machine This bash completion script ensures that you always get the matching bash completions for the installed kubectl, minikube and helm. Simply source it and it will do the rest. more

Salt This can be annoying when using SaltStack, you run saltutil.sync_grains, or a highstate, but your custom grain is never synced to the minion. This happened to me while using multiple environments and when the grain was not in the base environment. What worked for me to get a successful sync … more

A while ago I published a snippet to generate an OTP auth token from the command line, but I recently got a new phone and had to re-add all my secret keys to a different authenticator app. As I keep all the secret keys backed up I made another script … more

Rsync hangs forever


Upset confused bug My backup system uses rsync and for the last ten days not a single backup had succeeded, they had all timed out. Then my home drive died. It still took a few days until I figured out why rsync hang, but in the end I did. more

Faucet requests May 2020 I run a bitcoin testnet faucet. Testnet coins are supposed to be worthless, but there is scarcity and some people try to get as many as they can. I try to prevent this to keep the faucet running and useful for as many people as possible, for as long as possible. more

While migrating my website that also runs a bitcoin testnet faucet I decided to finally automate the bitcoind startup using supervisord. I had already done that in other locations but had forgotten some important settings. Bitcoind takes some time to start, and supervisord needs to know. I also had to … more

Yes, I felt like I had to automate this after installing minikube on a few machines in a row. more

I have a custom sync script for Firefox because the built-in sync is simply not thorough enough. To make the sync more reliable I wanted to close Firefox when it is running. This was surprisingly hard to accomplish, but once I found wmctrl the problem was solved. Notice that this … more

I run multiple desktop environments, and they all come with their own screen locking tool. Sometimes I want to unlock a system remotely, that means from the command line. The script below can unlock mate, gnome and i3lock. more

I recently added OTP authentication using pam_google_authenticator.so to most of my machines. It's non-trivial to set up, especially if you have system users with limited capabilities that need to be able to log in non-interactively, but all in all it feels good to have a little more security. When logging … more

DjangoPythonBitcoinTuxDebianHTML5 badgeSaltStackUpset confused bugMoneyHackerUpset confused bugX.OrggitFirefoxWindowMakerBashIs it worth the time?i3 window managerWagtailContainerIrssiNginxSilenceUse a maskWorldInternet securityFontGnuPGThunderbirdJenkins