Tag archive for "usability"

Show the user a useful search form when on a 404 page. Turn the query string into a search. more

Using recordmydesktop to upload to YouTube, Vimeo etc.


recordMyDesktop is a great tool to make videos of what you're doing with your computer. This can be very useful to demonstrate software features or to document workflows. By default, recordMyDesktop produces Ogg-Theora-Vorbis. If you want to share your files or upload them to a video site you'll want to … more

How to add support for navigation menus to your WordPress theme


The new navigation menus system in WordPress 3.0 looks promising, but in my opinion it's not very usable yet. Anyway, here's one way to add navigation menus to your theme while maintaining backward compatibility: In your theme's functions.php add something like the following code: <?php function mytheme_addmenus() { register_nav_menus( array( … more

WPMU fast backend switch


I recently converted several simple WordPress installs into a single WPMU install. As I use all of the blogs myself I wanted a quick way to switch between the various backends. This is probably only useful if you don't have too many blogs and use all of them yourself. The … more

Visitor Movies for WordPress


Did you ever want to know what exactly your visitors are doing on your site? Watch them! A client of mine wanted a plugin to log what users type into forms. I kind of didn't see the point at first. But a few days later I was a little annoyed … more

Convert WordPress pages to posts


I like WordPress, but I don't like the WordPress page system at all. That's why I recently converted all my plugin pages to posts. My main reasons for doing so were: Pages can't be tagged Pages don't have categories Pages and posts don't mix too well in custom loops Pages … more

Change Typo3 template depending on column content


Let's assume you don't just want to inject some HTML if there is content in a column, but you want to use a completely different layout. This isn't hard to accomplish, see the example: tmp.templateFile = COA tmp.templateFile { 10 = COA 10 { if.isFalse.numRows < styles.content.getRight 10 = FILE … more

Change template if content exists in Typo3


If you build sites with Typo3 you might want to use a smart template that uses different markup for different pages. Of course you can define as many templates as you like in Typo3. But what if you want to use a two and a three-column layout, depending on if … more

Displaying a smaller banner in an Openx zone


Did you ever want to chain a zone with smaller banners after a zone with big banners in Openx? This sounds like useful feature. We don't live in the 90s anymore where every page had a pixel-precise table layout. The world has learned how to build fluid layouts. One the … more

Opera and the <noscript> tag


When you build websites and test them in various browsers there always are some problems in some browsers. Usually it's the one you expect who displays things incorrectly. But a few days ago I was surprised when Opera insisted on showing me the contents of a <noscript> tag . The … more

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