Tag archive for "MySQL"

I have a few old Django projects still running MySQL/MariaDB. Getting docker-compose to work with MySQL images is a little tricky, as the database needs too much time to start up. Below is a configuration that starts one application host and one database host. /usr/bin/mysql is used for MariaDB because … more

What happened to bitcoin-24.com?


Bad: Licensing, Data leak, Password security, Accounting, DB integrity and Float arithmetic. Donations: [donatebitcoin] No BTC? 2020-04-16 Bitcoin24 and Corona Virus Who would have thought... seven years later and there are still things happening around Bitcoin24. The refund effort started by Jeff has made slow, steady progress over the years … more

I thought that I had to dump specific columns from a table. In the end I needed to parse the resulting XML with a script anyway to convert it to CSV, but here is a reminder for myself (and maybe you): more

Are you getting "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page." errors everywhere in the WordPress admin? I had this happening on a site, apparently the problem is that somebody changed the database prefix. It's a little suprising that this would totally break the admin, but whatever... As … more

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