Tag archive for "backups"

Rsync hangs forever


Upset confused bug My backup system uses rsync and for the last ten days not a single backup had succeeded, they had all timed out. Then my home drive died. It still took a few days until I figured out why rsync hang, but in the end I did. more

Android, nomedia and the audio library


I recently bought a new Android Phone with KitKat. This is the first time I'm using Android for more than simple phone calls and the occasional route planning. It's a quite decent OS. However, one thing that happened to me was a usability nightmare. I use the phone to listen … more

List salt minions in template


Update: I revisited this topic recently and since there's the Salt Mine this can be done in better ways, check http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17158665/ for different approaches. This seems to be a common task with saltstack but I couldn't find a really good answer yet: How does one minion get a targeted list … more

DjangoPythonBitcoinTuxDebianHTML5 badgeSaltStackUpset confused bugMoneyHackerUpset confused bugX.OrggitFirefoxWindowMakerBashIs it worth the time?i3 window managerWagtailContainerIrssiNginxSilenceUse a maskWorldInternet securityFontGnuPGThunderbirdJenkins