
WordCamp in San Francisco

Posted June 25, 2007 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Events, WordCamp.

Last year over 350 WordPressers of all ages and experience levels gathered in San Francisco to share a day together. We’re now halfway through 2007, and there is a new WordCamp happening on July 21 and 22 that I hope many of you can make it to.

This year we’re expanding the conference to two days instead of one with the first focusing on user and blog-facing topics, like search engine optimization and podcasting, and the second day will focus on more development topics, such as usability, iterative design, and the future of publishing. Speakers this year include several WordPress developers, Matt Cutts, John Dvorak, Robert Hoekman Jr., Dan Kuykendall, Om Malik, Rashmi Sinha, Lorelle Vanfossen, and Dave Winer. Check out the entire schedule.

Just like last year there will be free lunch (with the legendary BBQ on Sunday) and t-shirts for everybody, and a party on Saturday night. Unlike last year we’re asking for $25 to help cover costs, but if that’s a problem there are scholarships available. Registration will be closing July 9th and there will not be tickets at the door, so get yours soon.

WordPress 2.2.1

Posted June 21, 2007 by Ryan Boren. Filed under Releases.

WordPress 2.2.1 is now available. 2.2.1 is a bug fix release for the 2.2 series. Since 2.2 was released a month ago, the WordPress community has been improving fit-and-finish by identifying and fixing those little bugs that can be so annoying and by fine-tuning some small details. The result is a nicely polished 2.2.1 release. The full list of bugs fixed in 2.2.1 is available here. Here are some highlights.

Unfortunately, 2.2.1 is not just a bug fix release. Some security issues came to light during 2.2.1 development, making 2.2.1 a required upgrade. 2.2.1 addresses the following vulnerabilities:

Special thanks to Alexander Concha for his continued assistance in making WordPress more secure. Special thanks also to Daniel Jalkut of Red Sweater Software for his improvements to our XML-RPC implementation.

WebWare 100 Winner

Posted June 18, 2007 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Meta.

The results are in, and WordPress is the winner of the Webware 100 in the Publishing category. Thanks to everyone who voted, but thank you even more to all the great people who make WordPress what it is. It’s an honor to have so many of you entrust your blogs to our software, and it’s an incredible opportunity for us to live up to the high standards you’ve set. Here’s what Rafe Needleman wrote about the results:

WordPress got the most votes. I was interested to see the Drupal CMS platform placing high in this category–above the consumer-oriented publishing products Typepad and Vox. Even combined, these two Six Apart services didn’t come close to winning the same number of votes as Drupal.

Glad to see our open-source brother-by-another-mother representing. The rankings in Publishing were WordPress, Adobe Flash, Drupal, Blogger, and Google Analytics as the top 5.

Two Contests

Posted June 12, 2007 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Events.

There are two contests going on in the WordPress community right now. If you’d like a chance to flex your WordPress skillz and perhaps win a prize and lifelong fame, you should consider dropping your code in the hat.

The first is the Sandbox Designs competition, which is like a theme competition, but working only with CSS and the highly semantic Sandbox theme. They already have a thousand dollars in prizes, so check it out.

Second our friends at Weblog Tools Collection are running a WordPress Plugin competition. They have a blog to track all the entries, but if you’re participating don’t forget to submit your code to the Plugin directory.

Both competitions require entries to be under the same GPL license that WordPress is, so regardless of who wins they’ll make the entire community much richer. (Remember, WordPress itself was written on the base of existing GPL code!)

See Also:

Want to follow the code? There’s a development P2 blog and you can track active development in the Trac timeline that often has 20–30 updates per day.

Want to find an event near you? Check out the WordCamp schedule and find your local Meetup group!

For more WordPress news, check out the WordPress Planet or subscribe to the WP Briefing podcast.


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