FSE Program: Answers from Round Two of Questions

This post is part of a wider series that provides answers to questions gathered through the FSE Outreach Program. This round of questions was started on April 28th and is being consolidated into a single post since there were substantially less questions. Thank you to everyone who submitted a question so our knowledge can grow together! Stay tuned for future rounds.

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#fse-answers, #fse-outreach-program

FSE Program: Answers about general functionality

This post is part of a series that provides answers to questions gathered in early February. Thank you to everyone who submitted a question so our knowledge can grow together! Each post will help provide foundational knowledge for future documentation efforts, and future calls for questions in the coming months. 

All posts in this series:

The focus of this post:

This post focuses on general questions related to overall functionality, including how to supply a sidebarSidebar A sidebar in WordPress is referred to a widget-ready area used by WordPress themes to display information that is not a part of the main content. It is not always a vertical column on the side. It can be a horizontal rectangle below or above the content area, footer, header, or any where in the theme. on a site and switching between device views.

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#fse-answers, #fse-outreach-program

FSE Program: Answers about restricting access & functionality

This post is part of a series that provides answers to questions gathered in early February. Thank you to everyone who submitted a question so our knowledge can grow together! Each post will help provide foundational knowledge for future documentation efforts, and future calls for questions in the coming months. 

All posts in this series:

The focus of this post:

This post focuses on restricting access to parts of the new features FSE introduces, including how to limit user access and limit the availability of certain blocks.

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#fse-answers, #fse-outreach-program

FSE Program: Answers about Themes

This post is part of a series that provides answers to questions gathered in early February. Thank you to everyone who submitted a question so our knowledge can grow together! Each post will help provide foundational knowledge for future documentation efforts, and future calls for questions in the coming months. 

All posts in this series:

The focus of this post:

This post focuses on themes and the important role they play with FSE, including how best to prepare, what pathways there will be for traditional themes to transition to FSE, and more.

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#fse-answers, #fse-outreach-program, #themereview

FSE Program: Answers about Templates

This post is part of a series that provides answers to questions gathered in early February. Thank you to everyone who submitted a question so our knowledge can grow together! Each post will help provide foundational knowledge for future documentation efforts, and future calls for questions in the coming months. 

All posts in this series:

The focus of this post:

This post focuses on the Template Editing system that’s unlocked with FSE covering everything from specific questions around how to design a 404 page to how the entire template editing experience will feel.

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#fse-answers, #fse-outreach-program

FSE Program: Answers about the FSE project

This post is part of a series that provides answers to questions gathered in early February. Thank you to everyone who submitted a question so our knowledge can grow together! Each post will help provide foundational knowledge for future documentation efforts, and future calls for questions in the coming months. 

All posts in this series:

The focus of this post: 

This post focuses on questions related to the overall project, including the role of blockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. based widgets & navigation screens, the why of FSE, and how easy it will be to use for a beginner.

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#core-editor, #docs, #fse-answers, #fse-outreach-program