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  • Thanksgiving holiday travelers in the U.S. 2005-2021

    Nov 9, 2021 | Leisure Travel

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  • Intention of U.S. consumers to shop in-store for Black Friday sales 2021

    Sep 30, 2021 | Shopping Behavior

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  • Share of population in select countries vaccinated against COVID-19 as of Nov. 2021

    Nov 23, 2021 | Prevention

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  • Price comparison of 100 cryptocurrencies as of November 23, 2021

    Nov 23, 2021 | Currencies

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  • Apple's revenue broken down by geographical region 2012-2021, by quarter

    Oct 28, 2021 | Consumer Electronics

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  • Global air traffic - scheduled passengers 2004-2022

    Oct 5, 2021 | Passenger Air Transport

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  • Countries with the most LinkedIn users 2021

    Oct 21, 2021 | Social Media & User-Generated Content

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  • Number of daily coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and deaths in Germany 2021

    Nov 1, 2021 | Diseases

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  • Retail sales of cosmetics in China by month 2019-2021

    Nov 23, 2021 | Health & Hygiene

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  • Number of attempts to illegally cross the Polish-Belarusian border 2021

    Nov 1, 2021 | Migration

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Daily Infographics

Global stories vividly visualized

  • Is Peak Social Media Already Behind Us? - Infographic
  • Small Retailers Support Millions of Jobs in the U.S. - Infographic
  • Overseas Dominance - Infographic
  • The Global Chasm In Indigenous Life Expectancy - Infographic
  • Politics Dictates U.S. Consumer Sentiment - Infographic
  • Black Friday Shoppers Try to Get a Headstart - Infographic
  • Covid Put a Dent in the Unstoppable Rise of Black Friday - Infographic
  • World Leaders Earn Poor Approval Scores in 2021 - Infographic

Global Consumer Survey 2021

Understand what drives consumers

The Global Consumer Survey helps marketers, planners and product managers to understand consumer behavior and their interaction with brands. Explore consumption and media usage on a global basis.


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