Brave Talk

Unlimited, private video calls, right in your browser. No extra apps. No tracking. Just free connections, powered by Brave.

Start call Download Brave to start a call

Video calling, with Brave privacy at its core

No tracking. No data collection. Nothing linking you (or anyone else) to a call. Period. With Brave Talk, who you talk to, when, and how stays private to you.

No extra app required

Start calls, livestream to YouTube, or even group watch a stream. All right from the Brave browser. No login. No extra apps to download.

Free calls, no limits

Make as many free calls as you want, for as long as you want. With Brave Talk, there’s no limit on the number or length of free calls.

Go Premium

With Brave Talk, one-on-one calls are free and fully private. Want privacy for group calls? Brave Talk Premium offers call recordings, hosting tools like participant muting and entry passcodes, and more for calls with hundreds of people.

Start free trial

How does Brave Talk stack up?

Built-in features

Brave logo Brave
Zoom logo Zoom

Unlinkability (nothing linking you to a call)

Browser-based (no login or download required)

No limit on number of free calls

No limit on length of free calls

Open source

FAQs about Brave Talk

  • To start a free call on desktop, open the Brave Browser and visit, then click Start free 1:1 call. Enter your name and click Join meeting.

    To invite people to a free call, follow the steps above. Then, once your call is started, copy the unique URL from the address bar of your browser, and share it with whoever you’d like to invite.

    To join a call, ask for the unique call URL from the call creator, and paste it into the address bar of any browser (desktop or mobile). When prompted, enter your name and click Join meeting.

    Note that the Brave Android and iOS apps currently feature Brave Talk Premium, and will have the free version as well in the coming weeks. This means you can start free calls from the Brave desktop browser, but join a call (free or Premium) from any browser, desktop or mobile.

    Also note that you’ll need to have enabled Brave Rewards to start Brave Talk free calls.

  • Brave Talk is free for one-on-one video calls. If you’d like to invite more people, consider upgrading to Brave Talk Premium. With Brave Talk Premium, you can add hundreds of people to a call.
  • Yes, Brave Talk is free for one-on-one video calls, provided Brave Rewards is enabled. If you’d like to invite more people, or use Brave Talk’s advanced features, consider upgrading to Brave Premium. With Brave Talk Premium, you get secure call recordings, YouTube groupwatch and group streaming, hosting tools like participant muting and entry passcodes, and more for calls with hundreds of people. And you can use Brave Talk Premium even if you don’t have Brave Rewards enabled.
  • Brave Talk is available on the most up-to-date version of the Brave Browser, for each platform.

    The Brave Android and iOS apps currently feature Brave Talk Premium, and will have the free version as well in the coming weeks.

  • Yes and no. To start a call, you’ll need to be on the Brave browser. However, people you invite to a call do not need to be on the Brave browser to join your call.
  • To start, all video and audio data transferred through Brave Talk is encrypted via transport layer encryption. This is similar to how many websites use HTTPS to ensure your traffic can’t be captured on public networks (e.g. coffee shop WiFi).

    The video and audio from your call are transmitted to other participants with the help of a Video Bridge server that’s run by Brave’s partner, 8x8. When you enable Video Bridge Encryption in Security Options, your browser exchanges keys with other call participants, and these keys are used to encrypt the video and audio streams. Only people with keys can see your calls. Assuming no malevolence, neither Brave nor its partner, 8x8, have this key by default.

    However, there are some important limits to Video Bridge Encryption. If you want to include a phone participant in your call, have more than 20 participants, or want to include users with incompatible browsers (Safari, most iOS browsers, and browsers based on Chromium version 83 or below), this encryption setting will not work. If you record a call, 8x8’s servers will receive a set of keys to decrypt the video/audio stream in order to process and store that recording. Brave will continue to improve Brave Talk’s encryption properties and work to remove some of these limitations.

    Read a more detailed description of Jitsi encryption (the open source basis for Brave Talk).

  • You can cancel a Brave Talk Premium subscription at any time. If you do cancel, you’ll have access to Brave Talk Premium features for the duration of the subscription period. After this period, you’ll still have access to Brave Talk for unlimited, free 1:1 calls.

    To cancel a Brave Talk Premium subscription, log in to your Brave Premium account, locate the card for Brave Talk, and click Cancel plan.

  • The Brave Talk service is provided in partnership with 8x8. And the service is built on the open-source Jitsi platform.
Download Brave Nightly

Select what kind of chip your Mac comes with

Intel Chip icon Intel Chip

Most common

Apple Chip icon Apple Chip

Nov 2020 and later

How to find my chip

  1. At the top left, Open the Apple menu.

  2. Select “About This Mac”.

  3. In the “Overview” tab, look for “Processor” or “Chip”.

  4. Check if it says “Intel” or “Apple”.

Download Brave Beta

Select what kind of chip your Mac comes with

Intel Chip icon Intel Chip

Most common

Apple Chip icon Apple Chip

Nov 2020 and later

How to find my chip

  1. At the top left, Open the Apple menu.

  2. Select “About This Mac”.

  3. In the “Overview” tab, look for “Processor” or “Chip”.

  4. Check if it says “Intel” or “Apple”.

Download Brave

Select what kind of chip your Mac comes with

Intel Chip icon Intel Chip

Most common

Apple Chip icon Apple Chip

Nov 2020 and later

How to find my chip

  1. At the top left, Open the Apple menu.

  2. Select “About This Mac”.

  3. In the “Overview” tab, look for “Processor” or “Chip”.

  4. Check if it says “Intel” or “Apple”.

Brave Wallet is live! The secure crypto wallet. Browser-native, no extension required.