Smush – Lazy Load Images, Optimize & Compress Images


Optimize images, turn on lazy load, resize, compress & improve your Google Page Speed with the incredibly powerful and 100% free WordPress image smusher, brought to you by the superteam at WPMU DEV!

And whether you spell it ‘optimise’ or ‘optimize’, Smush will compress images without a visible drop in quality.

Image optimization is the easiest way to make your site load super fast!

Optimizador de Imagens Premiado

Smush has been benchmarked and tested number one for speed and quality. It is also the award-winning, back-to-back proven crowd favorite image optimization & image compression plugin for WordPress.

  • Lossless Compression – Strip unused data and compress images without affecting image quality.
  • Lazy Load – Defer offscreen images with the flip of a switch.
  • Bulk Smush – Optimize & compress up to 50 images with one click.
  • Image Resizing – Set a max width and height and large images will scale down as they are being compressed.
  • Incorrect Size Image Detection – Quickly locate images that are slowing down your site.
  • Directory Smush – Optimize images even if they are not located in the media library.
  • Automated Optimization – Asynchronously auto-smush your attachments for super fast compression on upload.
  • Without Monthly Limits – Optimize all of your images up to 5MB in size, free forever (no daily, monthly, or annual caps).
  • Gutenberg Block Integration – View all Smush stats directly in image blocks.
  • Multisite Compatible – Offers both global and individual Multisite settings.
  • Process All Your Files – Smush will process PNG, JPEG, and GIF files for optimum results.
  • Super Servers – Smush images with no slowdown using WPMU DEV’s fast, reliable Smush API.
  • Convert to WebP (Pro Only) – Upgrade and automatically serve images in Next-Gen WebP format.
  • Configs – Set your preferred Smush settings, save them as config, and instantly upload to any other site.
  • e muito, muito mais!

Learn The Ropes With These Hands-On Smush Tutorials

Compress Image While Preserving Image Quality

Some image compression tools destroy images with as much as a 30% loss in quality. Our servers strip hidden bulky information from your images and reduce file size without affecting the appearance.

Smush meticulously scans every image you upload – or have already added to your site – cuts all the unnecessary data and scales it for you before adding it to your media library. And it can serve images in the WebP format.

Comprima qualquer imagem em qualquer directório.

In addition to smushing your media uploads, you may want to compress the images stored in other folders. Smush now lets you compress any image in any directory so that you can optimize all the images on your site – including NextGEN images, images stored on Amazon S3 using WP Offload Media and images in EVERY WordPress plugin and theme package!

Compatible with Your Favorite Themes, Page Builders and Media Library Plugins

Não interessa que temas ou plugins usa para melhor gerir a biblioteca multimédia do WordPress, Smush protege-o. Verifique apenas alguns dos plugins com que o Smush está a trabalhar para ajudá-lo a tornar o seu site rápido e mais eficiente:

Detecção de imagem de tamanho incorrecto

Smush inclui agora um localizador de imagens de tamanho incorreto. Active e as suas imagens serão destacadas com sugestões inteligentes para as redimensionar. Encontre rapidamente as imagens que o estão a impedir de obter um perfeito 100 nos seus testes Google PageSpeed.

Adiar as imagens fora da tela

Smush possui lazy load nativo. Se a sua página possui bastantes imagens “fora da tela”, lazy loading irá acelerar a página drasticamente ao servir apenas as imagens que estão a ser visualizadas e atrasar as outras imagens da parte inferior da página.

Save time with Smush Configs

Configs allow you to save your preferred Smush configuration settings and apply them to your other sites in a few clicks. You can create unlimited configs.


“Não tinha ideia que o tempo de carregamento da minha página estava a ser atrasado pelas imagens. O plugin reduziu o tempo de carregamento quase para metade.” – karlcw


“Eu optimizo as minhas imagens em Photoshop, mas Smush torna-o mais fácil – fá-lo automaticamente. Posso apenas sentar-me e desfrutar da velocidade.“ – helen432


“Smush ajudou a reduzir o tamanho total dos ficheiros no meu site e aumento a velocidade. Bom trabalho!” – pdci


“It’s very discrete and does not bother me with an API key or other additional installation steps. The main dashboard of the plugin gives me nice insight. Overall it really fits my needs and I’ll be willing to upgrade to pro if my needs change. I’d recommend it to clients/friends without hesitation. Keep it up!” – tarkan_

E em relação ao Multisite?

Smush pode ser utilizado para optimizar todas as imagens em toda a rede! Utilize as opções globais ou configure cada site individualmente.

Smush é super fácil de utilizar – Software de compressão sem opções confusas! Optimize as imagens na sua biblioteca individualmente ou optimize em massa até 50 imagens de cada vez. Mais, configure optimização automática para redimensionar e compactar de forma assíncrona algumas ou todas as imagens assim que foram carregadas – é incrivelmente rápido.

The faster your site loads, the more Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines will like it. Your site will load faster and rank higher.

Outros Plugins

  • Hummingbird – Optimização da Velocidade da Página
  • Hustle – Pop-ups, Slide-ins e Email Opt-ins
  • SmartCrawl – Optimizador SEO
  • Defender – Segurança, Monitorização, e Protecção contra Hack
  • Forminator – Construtor de Formulários, Votações e Questionários
  • Beehive – Painéis Google Analytics Customizáveis

Smush toma conta de todas as necessidades de compressão das suas imagens, gratuitamente!

However, if you’d like Super Smush lossy compression, fast CDN image delivery, WebP conversion, automatic resizing, the ability to optimize (or optimise) images up to 32MB, bulk smush optimization for all your images in just one-click, auto-convert PNG to JPEG, the ability to Smush and make a copy of your full-sized images (to restore them at any point), you can always take the next step with WP Smush Pro. And get even more with her whole team of WordPress optimization hero friends (security, SEO, performance, support, and maintenance automation) – trusted by thousands of agencies and freelancers offering site maintenance services.


Smush não interage com utilizadores finais no seu site. A única opção de entrada do Smush é a subscrição de uma newsletter apenas para os administradores do site.

Smush usa um serviço de email feito por terceiros (Mailchimp) para enviar emails informativos (Opt-in) para o administrador do site. O endereço de email do administrador do site é enviado para o Mailchimp e um cookie é criado pelo serviço. Apenas a informação do administrador é recolhida pelo Mailchimp.

Smush envia as imagens para os servidores WPMU DEV para optimizá-las para o uso na web. Isto inclui a transferência de dados EXIF. Os dados EXIF serão removidos ou retornados como estão. Não serão armazenados nos servidores WPMU DEV.

Sobre Nós

WPMU DEV is a premium supplier of quality WordPress plugins, services and support. Learn more here:

Don’t forget to stay up to date on everything WordPress from the Internet’s number one resource:

Olá, mais uma coisa…esperamos que goste das nossas ofertas gratuítas tanto quanto nós gostamos de as fazer para si!

Contacto e Créditos

Escrito originalmente por Alex Dunae em Dialect (, e-mail ‘alex’ at ‘dialect dot ca’), 2008-11.


  • Simple to get started with the Smush setup wizard.
  • Veja como a sua biblioteca de imagens é processada - até 50 imagens de cada vez.
  • Defina Smush automático para redimensionar e optimizar todas as imagens e também quando forem carregadas.
  • Smush vai encontrar e optimizar imagens para si.

Perguntas frequentes

Terminei de executar o Smush e Google Pagespeed continua a dizer que as minhas imagens precisam de compactação e o redimensionamento. Como posso corrigir?

Isto significa que as suas imagens não foram redimensionadas correctamente para onde estão a ser exibidas. Redimensionar imagens antes de as carregar pode ser um processo demorado mas pode poupar espaço e melhorar os tempos de carregamento. Primeiro, determine qual o tamanho que as suas imagens precisam de ter. Pode usar o detector de tamanho das imagens que está incluído por omissão na versão grátis do Smush para encontrar qual a largura e altura que a sua imagem deve ter. Depois de saber qual o tamanho que a imagem deve ter, redimensione as suas imagens para o tamanho correcto.

PageSpeed Insights is telling me to defer offscreen images. Can Smush fix that?

Lazy Load will defer your offscreen images from loading until they are needed. From the Smush Dashboard, select Lazy Load and click Activate. Smush Lazy Load works out of the box or can be customized based on your needs.

Tip: If you’re having any issues or want to save a ton of time, the Smush Pro CDN includes auto-resizing.

Smush apaga ou substitui as minhas imagens originais?

Nope. WordPress crops and resizes every image you upload for embedding on your site. By default, Smush only compresses these cropped and resized images, not your original full-size images. To compress your original full-sized images, use Smush Pro.

Qual o tipo de ficheiro devo utilizar para as minhas imagens (GIF, PNG, JPG)?

Ficheiros GIF são maiores e não podem ser muito optimizados. Devem ser apenas usados se a imagem possui animação.

PNG é melhor para gráficos gerados por computador (vectores, logos, fontes, etc.), imagens com algumas cores ou imagens com transparência.

JPG deve ser usado para fotografias ou imagens com uma grande variação de cores.

Tip: The Smush Pro CDN includes WebP compression – sharper images that are 25 to 30 percent smaller than JPEG and PNG files.

I’m a photographer. Can I keep all my EXIF data?

Yes! EXIF data stores camera settings, focal length, date, time, and location information in image files. EXIF data makes image files larger but if you are a photographer, you may want to preserve this information. We have included the option to preserve EXIF image data in Smush.

I just ran Bulk Smush and some of my images didn’t get compressed. Why would this happen?

First, check to see if you’re receiving any server errors. If your images seem to be processing correctly, check the file size of the images being skipped. Images over 5mb will be skipped. To compress images up to 32mb, get Smush Pro.

Activei Smush e não vejo nenhuma diferença na qualidade das imagens. Como é suposto eu saber que Smush está a funcionar?

Boa pergunta! É importante compreender que Smush é uma ferramenta de optimização que usa uma compressão de imagem sem perdas para poupar espaço de armazenamento em disco e acelerar o seu site. Smush espreme os dados dos seus ficheiros de imagem que irão poupar espaço, redimensiona images grandes e melhora a velocidade sem alterar a qualidade.

Pode acompanhar as alterações no tamanho do ficheiro na sua biblioteca multimédia, ganhos em imagens individuais, ganhos em directório, e o total de ganhos Smush com as estatísticas Smush. Se pretende assistir a uma magia adicional, corra um teste de velocidade de página antes e depois com WP Checkup or Google PageSpeed Insights. Qualquer pequena poupança nos recursos é importante quando se trata da velocidade da página!

Não posso usar apenas Photoshop ou outra aplicação de edição de imagem para optimizar as minhas imagens?

Optimizing all the image sizes generated by WordPress, images being imported from plugins and themes, and images from other web sites is a painful and time-consuming process.

Smush automatically handles optimizing all your images no matter where they come from and can be used as a standalone tool or alongside Photoshop.

My Google PageSpeed test is telling me to serve images in Next-Gen formats. Can Smush do that?

WebP and other Next-Gen formats are not supported on all browsers and require fallback images. For that reason, WebP conversion is only available in Smush Pro. Smush Pro converts images to WebP for a 25-30% savings over JPEG and PNG and serves fallback images on unsupported browsers.

É optimização ou compressão?

It depends what side of the pond you live on…but whether you say optimize, optimise, optimizer, or Smush goddess of speed, this plugin will make sure your images are loading lightning fast.


29 de Outubro, 2021
You have to pay to serve images as .webp Did nothing to improve page speed after running bulk image compression...still served regular images.
29 de Outubro, 2021
This plugin removed all of my images on my website, do NOT install this trash plugin. The amount of people who complain about this VS people who hadn't run into this problem *yet* is too small to be noticeable in the reviews section, but make no mistakes, this problem happens consistently for a small percent of people who install this plugin. RUN A BACKUP ON YOUR WEBSITE BEFORE SMUSHING! This plugin is trash and EVERYONE should be careful before activating - you either lose all your images or everything works decent and you save 13% on your image sizes. Reached out to developers and still haven't heard back in 13 days... what a shame.
28 de Outubro, 2021
Works perfektly with Word Press
Ler todas as 5.724 avaliações

Contribuidores e programadores

“Smush – Lazy Load Images, Optimize & Compress Images” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


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Interessado no desenvolvimento?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.

Registo de alterações

3.9.2 ( 2021-11-01 )

  • Fix: Code and stability improvements

3.9.1 ( 2021-10-05 )

  • New: Option to compress uploaded images
  • New: Option to disable WordPress scaled images
  • New: Compressing uploaded and backups are now free for all users
  • Enhance: Detect and warn about other potentially conflicting lazy load plugins
  • Fix: Deprecated jQuery deprecated warnings
  • Fix: CDN ‘wp_smush_cdn_before_process_src’ filter
  • Fix: Remove HTML markup in Local WebP wizard
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error – cannot use object of type stdClass as array
  • Fix: PHP warnings when optimization fails via WP CLI
  • Fix: Missing CDN upsell meta box
  • Fix: Ignored images not being skipped from image re-check process

3.9.0 ( 2021-08-24 )

  • New: Wizard for setting up the local WebP conversion
  • Enhance: Wrong tooltip title showing up on configs on hover
  • Enhance: WPBakery detection when the base directory is custom named
  • Fix: CDN status not getting updated when enabling the CDN via configs
  • Fix: Local WebP rules path getting truncated in some environments
  • Fix: WooCommerce gallery thumbnails not being served from the CDN
  • Fix: Failing to restore PNG images that were converted to JPG
  • Fix: “Save” button on the Bulk Smush page changing its size when saving
  • Fix: Some options not being removed on uninstall
  • Fix: Image size names overflowing their container in the Gutenberg blocks stats table

3.8.8 ( 2021-07-22 )

  • New: Allow serving locally stored WebP images through the CDN
  • New: Allow excluding WebP from the media types to lazy load
  • New: Add a widget for handling configs to the Dashboard page
  • New: WP CLI will now properly detect and convert images to WebP
  • Enhance: Prevent uploading config files across plugins
  • Enhance: Whitelabel support
  • Enhance: Lazy load integration with Divi theme
  • Enhance: Lazy load integration with GiveWP donation form
  • Enhance: Redirect to module page after activating on the dashboard
  • Fix: Local Webp says that the Amazon S3 integration is enabled although it’s not
  • Fix: Images not loading in embedded posts and pages when lazy load is enabled
  • Fix: Replace WP_SMUSH_API_TIMEOUT by the correct constant WP_SMUSH_TIMEOUT in error messages
  • Fix: Bulk Smush progress not starting from zero after a Smushing took place
  • Fix: Images without Smush backups being included in the bulk-restore list
  • Fix: Lazy load parsing issue with forums AJAX requests from BuddyBoss
  • Fix: Disable CDN on WPMU DEV hosting staging sites
  • Fix: Configs in the free version not syncing with the Hub

3.8.7 ( 2021-06-18 )

  • Enhance: Display a message when local WebP creation fails due to directory permissions
  • Fix: Error when applying a config from the Hub and the WebP module gets toggled
  • Fix: Compatibility issue with WP < 5.7
  • Fix: Wrong count of images to re-smush when the ‘big_image_size_threshold’ filter return false
  • Fix: Thumbnail images not being converted to JPEG on upload

3.8.6 ( 2021-06-15 )

  • New: Dashboard page
  • New: Global configurations
  • New: Add tutorials to dashboard
  • New: Integration with Buddyboss theme and Buddyboss Platform plugin
  • Enhance: Move out Smush modules to dedicated pages
  • Enhance: Documentation links now link to correct sections on documentation page
  • Fix: Issue with scrolling to originals & backup section
  • Fix: Avoid creating backup files for SVGs
  • Fix: Display of “Settings” link appearing when plugin is deactivated for network
  • Fix: Incorrect number of total images during bulk smush with NextGen Gallery plugin activated
  • Fix: Super smushed count on Nextgen Gallery Smush page
  • Fix: Directory Smush fails when a directory has spaces
  • Fix: Uploading image over the max width was creating backup file when “Store my small originals” is enabled
  • Fix: Table “smush_dir_images” was failing to create when deleted manually
  • Fix: Settings not showing up on subsites after the plugin has been deactivated for network
  • Fix: Stuck “re-smush” status on the free version

3.8.5 ( 2021-05-13 )

  • Enhance: Allow filtering the resulting image markup after the Lazy Load processing
  • Enhance: Prevent the description text next to the “Update settings” button from saving
  • Enhance: Use the shared module for Tutorials
  • Fix: Incompatibility issue with WPBakery Page Builder
  • Fix: Total savings value loosing decimal point on image re-check
  • Fix: Inability to unselect all thumbnail sizes
  • Fix: Lazy loading on Avada (use ‘WP_SMUSH_LAZY_LOAD_AVADA’ define in case of conflicts on Avada 6.x)
  • Fix: Icons in Directory Smush modal
  • Fix: Links in summary meta box on multisite
  • Fix: Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
  • Fix: Uploading images to Gutenberg blocks
  • Fix: Styling issue in Smush’s network-admin upgrade page
  • Fix: Undefined offset in multisite when smushing the “uploads” directory
  • Fix: Wrong directories listed in “Directory Smush” under Windows

3.8.4 ( 2021-03-18 )

  • Enhance: Compatibility with WordPress 5.7
  • Enhance: Lazy load compatibility with Slider Revolution
  • Enhance: Apache rules for local WebP on multisite
  • Enhance: Apache rules for local WebP on subdirectory installs
  • Enhance: Local Webp description texts
  • Fix: Backups not properly removing from S3 containers
  • Fix: Compatibility with Jetpack Site Accelerator
  • Fix: Compatibility with WordPress native lazy loading
  • Fix: UI inconsistencies in local WebP module
  • Fix: Browser console errors on upgrade page
  • Fix: Menu not working on mobile views
  • Fix: PHP warnings with images offloaded to S3 buckets
  • Fix: Image preview on WPML Media Translation screen
  • Fix: Directory Smush empty folder detection
  • Fix: Image resize detection UI
  • Fix: PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
  • Fix: Translation strings

Changelog for previous versions.