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Well-being & Resilience

AACN actively promotes best practices and exemplars related to faculty and student wellness in our programming. The following provides an overview of AACN’s initiatives and programs related to maintaining health and well-being:

group of nurses' hands joining


Member Resolution:  A Call to Action for Academic Nurse Leaders to Promote Practices to Enhance Optimal Well-being, Resilience and Suicide Prevention in Schools of Nursing across the U.S.

In August 2020, AACN’s members voted to endorse a resolution that promotes the mental health, physical health, healthy lifestyle behaviors, and well-being of students, faculty, and staff. This call to action includes schools of nursing transitioning from crisis intervention to prevention by building wellness cultures; offering mental health screenings or providing access to them at their supporting institutions; conducting wellness, healthy lifestyle and resiliency programming; and implementing evidence-based interventions to prevent and intervene early for depression, anxiety, and stress in order to support a healthy working and living environment for students, staff, and faculty.

Partnerships and Leadership Engagement

In May 2021, AACN was invited by the Johnson & Johnson Center on Health Workforce Innovation to serve as a collaborator on a national campaign to promote resilience and wellness in the healthcare workforce called All-In WellBeing First for Healthcare. The All-In campaign is bringing leading organizations together – including the American Hospital Association, American Medical Association, American Nurses Foundation, American Organization for Nursing Leadership, the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare, and AACN – to identify a future state where the healthcare workforce feels valued and can sustain a sense of purpose and meaning in their work. The campaign is working to identify and promote strategies, resources, and policies that champion mental health and resilience.


New Essentials Domain 10: Personal, Professional, and Leadership Development
This domain calls for new ways of preparing nursing graduates using activities and self-reflection that foster personal health, resilience, and well-being, as well as the acquisition of nursing expertise and the assertion of leadership. Competency expectations include:

  • Demonstrate healthy, self-care behaviors that promote wellness and resiliency
  • Contribute to an environment that promotes self-care, personal health, and well-being
  • Evaluate the workplace environment to determine level of health and well-being
  • Engage in guided and spontaneous reflection of one’s practice

Leadership Development Programs

AACN’s leadership development programs also are committed to elevating awareness of program elements addressing well-being.