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EFFector - Volume 29, Issue 23 - Join the fight against government hacking


EFFector - Volume 29, Issue 23 - Join the fight against government hacking

EFFector! Electronic Frontier Foundation

In our 710th issue:

Support the SMDH Act and Give Congress Time to Debate New Government Hacking Powers

The clock is ticking. If Congress doesn’t act now, the government will soon be able to use a search warrant to hack an untold number of computers located around the world.

Lawmakers are rightfully pushing to postpone these new hacking powers, arguing that Congress has not had sufficient time to debate these new powers and their privacy and security implications. We’ve supported previous delay efforts, and now we’re asking Congress to pass the Stalling Mass Damaging Hacking Act (the SMDH Act), which gives Congress until April 1 to consider these new hacking powers.

Despite lawmakers’ questions—and some less than helpful answers from the Justice Department—we still don’t know enough about how the government plans to use these new hacking powers, whether there are any privacy or security protections in place, and how government hacking can open up Internet users’ devices and networks to attacks from non-government hackers.

Congress needs more time to consider these questions and get more information in hearings before the new hacking powers go into effect. Call your senator today and tell them to support the Stalling Mass Damaging Hacking Act to give Congress that time.

EFF Updates

Protecting Tomorrow

Many supporters have contacted us with concerns about the election results. At this critical moment, we want digital civil liberties supporters worldwide to feel confident that EFF remains steadfast in its mission and method: to use law and technology to champion civil liberties and provide a potent check against overreach.

Tech Companies, Fix These Technical Issues Before It’s Too Late

The results of the election have put the tech industry in a risky position. President-elect Trump has promised to deport millions of our friends and neighbors, track people based on their religious beliefs, and undermine users’ digital security and privacy. He’ll need Silicon Valley’s cooperation to do it—and Silicon Valley can fight back.

E-Voting Machines Need Paper Audits to be Trustworthy

Election security experts concerned about voting machines are calling for an audit of ballots in the three states where the presidential election was very close: Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. We join their call for an audit. This is an important election safety measure and should happen in all elections, not just those that have a razor-thin margin.

Obama Can Still Boost Transparency, Accountability Before Trump Takes Office

In a letter to the Obama administration this week, EFF and other civil liberties groups—including Demand Progress and—are asking that the president shed some much-needed light on government actions that impact civil liberties ahead of his departure.

Grassroots Digital Rights Alliance Expands Across U.S.

It will take the concerted actions of our supporters to help EFF’s goals find their reflection in law, policy, technology, and culture. That’s why we launched the Electronic Frontier Alliance, a national network of grassroots groups from Atlanta to Austin taking action in their local communities to promote digital rights.

Who Has Your Back in Colombia? A New Report Shows Telecom Privacy Slowly Improving

While Colombia’s digital world continues to advance with 21st century technologies, the country’s privacy law has not kept pace. Colombian telecommunication companies have not yet stepped up to meet tech industry best practices related to privacy and transparency reporting. Nonetheless, two key members of Colombia’s telecommunications industry—ETB and Telefonica-Movistar—have improved their practices, with ETB leading the way.

Digital Security Tips for Protesters

Engaging in peaceful protest may put you at risk of search or arrest, having your movements and associations mapped, or otherwise becoming a target of surveillance and repression. Here we present 10 security tips for protesting in the digital age.

TPP: A Post-Mortem

The death of the Trans-Pacific Partnership has been confirmed by White House officials. This marks the end of a long-running campaign against the secretive agreement that EFF began back in 2012.


Want to Know if the Election was Hacked? Look at the Ballots

Electronic voting machines need to be backed up by audits of their paper trail. Alex Haldermann explains why on Medium.

Trump Presidency Fuels Heated Encryption Debate

CNET covers a debate on encryption between EFF Executive Director Cindy Cohn and former White House Director of Counterterrorism Daniel Rosenthal at the Versus16 conference in San Francisco.

Parliament Passes Most Extreme Surveillance Law in UK History

The UK parliament has passed the Investigatory Powers Bill, the most extreme surveillance bill yet. The Don't Spy On Us coalition gives the details.

Supported by Donors

Our members make it possible for EFF to bring legal and technological expertise into crucial battles about online rights. Whether defending free speech online or challenging unconstitutional surveillance, your participation makes a difference. Every donation gives technology users who value freedom online a stronger voice and more formidable advocate.

If you aren't already, please consider becoming an EFF member today.

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Editor: Dave Maass, Investigative Researcher
[email protected]

EFFector is a publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Membership & donation queries: [email protected]

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Facebook Live: Digital Rights After The Election

EFF Activism Director Rainey Reitman and International Director Danny O’Brien fielded questions from supporters about the future of digital rights after the election of President-elect Donald Trump. Watch the replay on YouTube.

Facebook Live: Silicon Valley After The Election

EFF Senior Staff Technologist Jacob Hoffman-Andrews and International Director Danny O’Brien discussed steps tech companies can take to protect users ahead of the next presidential administration. Watch the replay on YouTube.

Law & Order Circa 2050: A Future Tense Event On Law Enforcement Technology

EFF Senior Staff Attorney Jennifer Lynch will speak on the topic “Will Law-Enforcement Technologies Make Privacy Obsolete?”
November 30, 2016, 2016
Washington, D.C.

EFA December 2016 Teleconference

The Electronic Frontier Alliance will host a teleconference to hear updates and announcements from member groups. Please RSVP to participate.
December 1, 2016

National Conference on Copyright of State Legal Materials

Copyright should never stand in the way of access to the law. As keynote speaker, EFF Legal Director Corynne McSherry will speak on the importance of open access to legal materials.
December 2, 2016
Boston, MA

The Internet Governance Forum

EFF will be represented at a range of events at the Internet Governance Forum, including workshops and a main session on the nexus between the Internet and trade, as well as events on cybersecurity, encryption policy, access to knowledge, and the “right to be forgotten.”
December 4-9, 2016
Guadalajara, Mexico

USENIX Large Installation System Administration Conference

Learn about the latest developments in the movement to safely and effectively deliver IT services at EFF’s booth in the expo hall. EFF supporters get discounted event registration.
December 4-9, 2016
Boston, MA

Birds of a Feather Session at USENIX LISA

Join EFF Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel Kurt Opsahl, Systems Administrator Starchy Grant, and Membership Coordinator Maggie Kazmierczak for a candid Q&A; about what we're doing at the intersection of tech and civil liberties.
December 7, 2016
Boston, MA

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