Download Debian 9.1(64-bit PC Network installer)


Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make your computer run.

Debian provides more than a pure OS: it comes with over 51000 packages, precompiled software bundled up in a nice format for easy installation on your machine. Read more...

The latest stable release of Debian is 9.1. The last update to this release was made on July 22nd, 2017. Read more about available versions of Debian.

Getting Started


[12 Aug 2017] DebConf17 closes in Montreal and DebConf18 dates announced
[22 Jul 2017] Updated Debian 9: 9.1 released
[22 Jul 2017] Updated Debian 8: 8.9 released
[18 Jun 2017] Debian Edu / Skolelinux Stretch — a complete Linux solution for your school
[17 Jun 2017] Debian 9 Stretch released
[06 May 2017] Updated Debian 8: 8.8 released

For older news items see the News Page. If you would like to receive mail whenever new Debian news comes out, subscribe to the debian-announce mailing list.

Security Advisories

[12 Aug 2017] DSA-3939 botan1.10 - security update
[12 Aug 2017] DSA-3938 libgd2 - security update
[12 Aug 2017] DSA-3937 zabbix - security update
[10 Aug 2017] DSA-3936 postgresql-9.6 - security update
[10 Aug 2017] DSA-3935 postgresql-9.4 - security update
[10 Aug 2017] DSA-3934 git - security update
[10 Aug 2017] DSA-3933 pjproject - security update
[10 Aug 2017] DSA-3932 subversion - security update
[10 Aug 2017] DSA-3930 freeradius - security update
[10 Aug 2017] DSA-3929 libsoup2.4 - security update
[10 Aug 2017] DSA-3928 firefox-esr - security update
[07 Aug 2017] DSA-3927 linux - security update
[04 Aug 2017] DSA-3926 chromium-browser - security update
[04 Aug 2017] DSA-3925 qemu - security update
[02 Aug 2017] DSA-3924 varnish - security update
[01 Aug 2017] DSA-3923 freerdp - security update

For older security advisories see the Security Page. If you would like to receive security advisories as soon as they're announced, subscribe to the debian-security-announce mailing list.