Welcome to Gentoo, a highly flexible, source-based Linux distribution.

Gentoo Freenode channels have been hijacked (May 26, 2021)

Today (2021-05-26) a large number of Gentoo channels have been hijacked by Freenode staff, including channels that were not yet migrated to Libera.chat. We cannot perceive this otherwise than as an open act of hostility and we have effectively left Freenode.

Please note that at this point the only official Gentoo IRC channels, as well as developer accounts, can be found on Libera Chat.

2021-06-15 update

As a part of an unannounced switch to a different IRC daemon, the Freenode staff has removed all channel and nickname registrations. Since many Gentoo developers have left Freenode permanently and are not interested in registering their nicknames again, this opens up further possibilities of malicious impersonation.

New packages at the Gentoo packages database

dev-python/socketio-client-nexus A socket.io 2.x client library for Python
app-admin/ansible-cmdb Ansible Configuration Management Database
dev-python/jsonxs Get/set values in JSON and Python datastructures
sys-auth/google-authenticator-libpam-hardened PAM Module for two step verification via mobile platform
media-libs/libheif ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF file format decoder and encoder

Fresh documentation on the Gentoo wiki

BleedingTooth vulnerability started by Whissi
Gentoo in WSL started by Alicela1n
Newsboat started by Jeff132312342q4323
Konversation started by Jeff132312342q4323
Gentoo Linux hardware compatibility list started by Kyoreln