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multi-platform screen and application forwarding system
"screen for X11"

gears About

Xpra is an open-source multi-platform persistent remote display server and client for forwarding applications and desktop screens.

It gives you remote access to individual applications or full desktops.
On X11, it is also known as screen for X11: it allows you to run programs, usually on a remote host, direct their display to your local machine, and then to disconnect from these programs and reconnect from the same or another machine, without losing any state.
It can also be used to forward full desktops, from X11 servers, MS Windows, or Mac OS X.

Xpra also allows forwarding of sound, clipboard and printing services.
Sessions can be accessed over SSH, or password protected over plain TCP sockets with or without SSL.
Xpra is usable over reasonably slow links and does its best to adapt to changing network bandwidth constraints.

For more details see here, you can find the source here.

features Features

Xpra includes a built-in HTML5 client, hardware acceleration, multi-user support, GUI tools and configuration and options; keyboard and clipboard synchronization; printer, cursor, sound, system tray and notifications forwarding; IPv6 support, SSL, support for shadowing existing displays, desktop mode, etc

download Download

You can find binary packages for Microsoft Windows microsoft windows 64-bit, mac osx Apple Mac OS X and linux Linux repositories and packages
Source snapshots can be found here: xpra.org/src, the git repository is here: https://github.com/Xpra-org/xpra, you may also find beta releases here: xpra.org/beta.

forward Get started with Xpra

To start an application (a simple xterm in this example) on a remote system and display it on your local machine, simply run:
xpra start ssh://USERNAME@HOST/ --start=xterm
This is similar to ssh -X, except that performance will be noticeably better and you can disconnect and re-connect to this session as many times as you like. (obviously xpra must be installed on your server host)
To re-connect or to connect to this session from another machine, use the attach command (you can also use the xpra_launcher GUI):
xpra attach ssh://USERNAME@HOST/
You can find many more usage examples here, ssh is not required but it does make things easier.

forum Help and Discussions

Send your questions to the mailing list or join us on the IRC channel #xpra on libera.chat (please be aware of irc netiquette)