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Special Communication

Information on the coronavirus
Due to the spread of the coronavirus, ETH Zurich has switched to emergency operation. The buildings are no longer open with immediate effect. Please use the central website to keep yourself informed about further measures taken by ETH Zurich. There you will also find answers to the most important questions.

To ETH's coronavirus web page

Upcoming Events

For all events taking place on ETH Zurich premises, a Covid certificate is now mandatory. The minimum distance of 1.5m (wherever possible) and the hygiene rules still apply.

ITS Science Colloquium

When: Thursday, 16.12.2021, 4:15 pm

Speaker: Mikhail Lyubich, Stony Brook University and ETH-ITS

Where: ETH Zürich, main building, HG D1.1, Rämistrasse 101

Click here for more information

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