
background July 6, 2017

Text Mining of Stack Overflow Questions

This week, my fellow Stack Overflow data scientist David Robinson and I are happy to announce the publication of our book Text Mining with R with O’Reilly. We are so excited to see this project out in the world, and so relieved to finally be finished with it! Text data is being generated all the…
Avatar for Julia Silge
Data Scientist (former)
background December 23, 2015

Stack Overflow Gives Back 2015

It’s that time of year again — a time when we reach out beyond the Stack Exchange community to remember the organizations and people who desperately need our help. Each year, we set aside this time and offer to make a $100 donation to charity on behalf of each moderator representing their community. We’ve been doing this…
Avatar for Robert Cartaino
Director of Community Development (former)
background December 24, 2014

Stack Exchange Gives Back 2014

There are few things that make me more proud to be part of the Stack Exchange community than the outpouring of good will that comes during our “Giving Back” program. Each year we set this time aside to remember the organizations and people who need our help by offering to make a $100 donation to…
Avatar for Robert Cartaino
Director of Community Development (former)
background July 23, 2014

Please welcome jmac, Community Manager of the Rising Sun

As Stack Exchange continues to expand to serve new audiences, we’re constantly on the lookout for folks who can take the principles and practices we all hold dear and communicate them effectively to the folks who would otherwise find them strange and difficult. I’m happy to announce we’ve found another of these rare specimens in…
Avatar for Josh Heyer
Community Manager (former)
background April 22, 2014

Putting the Community back in Wiki

Ever seen this diagram? That’s the visual elevator pitch for Stack Exchange. We were the little dot in the middle, a potent mix of useful traits from other tools, a wiry mutt full of hybrid vigor. The purpose of this blend was to allow and encourage the construction of a library of solutions, by providing…
Avatar for Grace Note
Community Manager
background April 17, 2014

Announcing The Launch Of Meta Stack Exchange

We’re very pleased to announce that as of today, we’re (finally) splitting the site formerly known as Meta Stack Overflow into two sites: Meta Stack Overflow is a brand-spanking new site for discussions specific to the Stack Overflow (programming) community:   Meta Stack Exchange will cover feature requests, bugs, and any discussion topics that affect…
Avatar for Tim Post
Community Evangelist - Former
background April 8, 2014

Changes and guidelines for the Protected Question status

Protected status is an often-overlooked feature of Stack Exchange. It’s based loosely on Wikipedia’s semi-protection, and like that tool is meant to be a reaction to persistent abuse from anonymous or unproven participants: when a page attracts a lot of noise or vandalism from outside the community, Protecting it reduces the amount of clean-up needed…
Avatar for Josh Heyer
Community Manager (former)
background February 19, 2014

2014 Stack Overflow User Survey Results

In 2013, our Stack Overflow community grew from 21.5 million to 26.9 million monthly visitors from 242 countries around the world. We’re doing a lot to keep growing with the community — we now have localized versions of Careers 2.0 for French and German audiences, we’re developing iOS and Android mobile apps for our entire…
Avatar for Alison Sperling
Director of Marketing (former)
background December 23, 2013

Stack Exchange Gives Back 2013

This is a time of year of traditions and celebrations — and we have a tradition at Stack Exchange where we set this time aside each year to give back to the groups and organizations that need our help. Each year, we reach out to our moderators and offer to make a $100 donation to…
Avatar for Robert Cartaino
Director of Community Development (former)
background September 6, 2013

Community Management by Popular Demand: Kevin Chang Joins The Team

I’ve been posting rather a lot of these announcements lately, as we’ve worked to increase the size of our team to where we can actually do our jobs and still occasionally sleep. So I’m gonna cut right to the chase: we hired Kevin “Lord Popular Demand Torgamus” Chang! Kevin lives on the east coast of…
Avatar for Josh Heyer
Community Manager (former)