Get Started
Congrats on your new website! No matter what kind of site you want to build, our guides and resources will get you set up and ready to publish.
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Text Guide: Getting Started on
Want a concise guide that will help you create content, add pages, set a homepage, and create a menu? This guide will walk you through the basics that apply to every site you’re looking to create.
Set Up Your Blog in 5 Quick Steps
You’ve just registered your blog — maybe you’ve even published a post already! Run through these five steps to make sure you love the way your blog looks, and wow all your new readers.
Set Up Your Website in 5 Quick Steps
Whether you’re building a small business website or a personal portfolio, these five steps will get the framework of your new website all set up, leaving it ready for your great content.
Join a Free Webinar
From building your website or blog, to learning how to open an online store, or more, our daily webinars are designed to help you reach any goal. Come learn a new skill and have your questions answered live by WordPress experts after each session.
Follow a Detailed Tutorial
Our tutorials page has in-depth guides for your specific goals, such building a website for photography, a wedding, selling a house, a virtual classroom, and much more!
Join Our Online Courses
Whether you want to gain all the fundamental (and a few advanced) skills you need to create a blog or start and grow your podcast, we have easily digestible, go-at-your-own-pace lessons taught by the best bloggers and podcasters on the internet.
Get More Help
Still need assistance? We have step-by-step guides to every feature on our Support site. We also have active community forums in many languages. You can have us create your site for you.
And if you want to talk to us, our friendly Happiness Engineers are only a click away to answer any questions you could have.