Temperatures and Weather in Europe

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San Francisco52 °FFog.Mon 8:17:55am
New York40 °FScattered clouds.Mon 11:17:55am
London37 °FSunny.Mon 4:17:55pm
Tokyo45 °FCool.Tue 1:17:55am

Local Time and Weather in Europe

A CoruñaMon 5:17 pmCool.54 °FLippstadtMon 5:17 pmDrizzle. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.32 °F
AachenMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.39 °FLisbonMon 4:17 pmPartly sunny. Cool.57 °F
AalborgMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.28 °FLiverpoolMon 4:17 pmLight rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.39 °F
AalenMon 5:17 pmSnow. Low clouds. Chilly.32 °FLivnoMon 5:17 pmSnow. Low clouds. Chilly.33 °F
AalstMon 5:17 pmQuite cool.43 °FLjubljanaMon 5:17 pmSunny. Chilly.38 °F
AarauMon 5:17 pmChilly.35 °FLódzMon 5:17 pmLight snow. Low clouds. Chilly.32 °F
AarhusMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.32 °FLondonMon 4:17 pmSunny. Chilly.37 °F
AkureyriMon 4:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.27 °FLondonderryMon 4:17 pmLight rain. Partly sunny. Cool.50 °F
AlbufeiraMon 4:17 pmPartly sunny. Mild.63 °FLongyearbyenMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Cold.10 °F
ÅlesundMon 5:17 pmSnow flurries. Partly cloudy. Chilly.36 °FLos Llanos de AridaneMon 4:17 pmPartly sunny. Mild.68 °F
AlicanteMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Mild.64 °FLouresMon 4:17 pmPartly sunny. Cool.57 °F
AlmeríaMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Mild.66 °FLübeckMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Chilly.37 °F
AltdorfMon 5:17 pmChilly.35 °FLucerneMon 5:17 pmCloudy. Chilly.36 °F
AmsterdamMon 5:17 pmSprinkles. Scattered clouds. Quite cool.41 °FLüdenscheidMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °F
AntwerpMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Quite cool.45 °FLudwigsburgMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °F
AppenzellMon 5:17 pmSnow flurries. Ice fog. Frigid.5 °FLudwigshafenMon 5:17 pmScattered showers. Partly cloudy. Chilly.36 °F
ArgostoliMon 6:17 pmScattered clouds. Mild.63 °FLuganoMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Quite cool.45 °F
ArkhangelskMon 7:17 pmPassing clouds. Frigid.-5 °FLünenMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °F
ArlonMon 5:17 pmBroken clouds. Chilly.36 °FLuxembourgMon 5:17 pmBroken clouds. Chilly.36 °F
ArnsbergMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °FLyonMon 5:17 pmMore clouds than sun. Chilly.39 °F
AschaffenburgMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.37 °FMadridMon 5:17 pmScattered clouds. Cool.54 °F
AssisiMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Quite cool.41 °FMagdeburgMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.37 °F
AstrakhanMon 8:17 pmClear. Quite cool.41 °FMagnitogorskMon 9:17 pmOvercast. Cold.19 °F
AthensMon 6:17 pmMild.64 °FMainzMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.36 °F
AugsburgMon 5:17 pmLight snow. Passing clouds. Chilly.32 °FMakhachkalaMon 7:17 pmFog. Cool.50 °F
ÁvilaMon 5:17 pmCool.48 °FMalatyaMon 7:17 pmPassing clouds. Quite cool.45 °F
BabruyskMon 7:17 pmDrizzle. Low clouds. Cool.46 °FMalmöMon 5:17 pmClear. Chilly.30 °F
Baden-BadenMon 5:17 pmScattered showers. Partly sunny. Chilly.37 °FManchesterMon 4:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °F
Banja LukaMon 5:17 pmFog. Chilly.39 °FMannheimMon 5:17 pmScattered showers. Partly cloudy. Chilly.36 °F
BaranovichiMon 7:17 pmLight rain. Low clouds. Chilly.39 °FMarburgMon 5:17 pmIce fog. Chilly.30 °F
BarcelonaMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Refreshingly cool.57 °FMariborMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °F
BarysawMon 7:17 pmSprinkles. Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.45 °FMarlMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °F
BaselMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °FMarseilleMon 5:17 pmSunny. Quite cool.45 °F
BastiaMon 5:17 pmSunny. Cool.50 °FMelillaMon 5:17 pmScattered clouds. Cool.61 °F
BatumiMon 8:17 pmPassing clouds. Mild.75 °FMilanMon 5:17 pmSunny. Cool.50 °F
BayreuthMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.32 °FMindenMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.37 °F
BelfastMon 4:17 pmCool.50 °FMinskMon 7:17 pmSprinkles. Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.45 °F
BelgradeMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Quite cool.42 °FMiskolcMon 5:17 pmChilly.36 °F
BellinzonaMon 5:17 pmCold.22 °FModenaMon 5:17 pmSunny. Quite cool.45 °F
Belushya GubaMon 7:17 pmPartly sunny. Cold.14 °FMoersMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °F
BenidormMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Mild.64 °FMogilevMon 7:17 pmFog. Quite cool.43 °F
BergamoMon 5:17 pmSunny. Quite cool.45 °FMonacoMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Refreshingly cool.57 °F
BergenMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Chilly.32 °FMönchengladbachMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °F
BergheimMon 5:17 pmBroken clouds. Chilly.39 °FMontreuxMon 5:17 pmSnow flurries. Low clouds. Chilly.33 °F
Bergisch GladbachMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Partly sunny. Chilly.37 °FMonzaMon 5:17 pmSunny. Cool.50 °F
BerlinMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.37 °FMoscowMon 7:17 pmLight rain. Low clouds. Quite cool.40 °F
BernMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.32 °FMostarMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Broken clouds. Cool.46 °F
BielMon 5:17 pmChilly.35 °FMülheimMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Partly sunny. Chilly.37 °F
BielefeldMon 5:17 pmDrizzle. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.32 °FMülheim / RuhrMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °F
BijeljinaMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Overcast. Chilly.38 °FMunichMon 5:17 pmLight mixture of precip. Passing clouds. Chilly.30 °F
BirminghamMon 4:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °FMünsterMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.37 °F
BitolaMon 5:17 pmScattered clouds. Cool.52 °FMurmanskMon 7:17 pmClear. Frigid.7 °F
BocholtMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Quite cool.41 °FNantesMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Cool.46 °F
BochumMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °FNaplesMon 5:17 pmBroken clouds. Cool.46 °F
BolognaMon 5:17 pmSunny. Quite cool.45 °FNarvaMon 6:17 pmLight snow. Overcast. Cold.22 °F
BolzanoMon 5:17 pmSunny. Quite cool.45 °FNæstvedMon 5:17 pmChilly.30 °F
BonnMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Partly sunny. Chilly.37 °FNeubrandenburgMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds.N/A
BordeauxMon 5:17 pmBroken clouds. Cool.46 °FNeuchâtelMon 5:17 pmCold.24 °F
BorgarnesMon 4:17 pmChilly.29 °FNeumünsterMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Quite cool.40 °F
BottropMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FNeussMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °F
BratislavaMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °FNeustadt an der WeinstraßeMon 5:17 pmScattered showers. Partly cloudy. Chilly.36 °F
BraunschweigMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.37 °FNeuwiedMon 5:17 pmSnow flurries. Fog. Chilly.34 °F
BrașovMon 6:17 pmOvercast. Quite cool.42 °FNiceMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Refreshingly cool.57 °F
BregenzMon 5:17 pmChilly.33 °FNicosiaMon 6:17 pmOvercast. Mild.74 °F
BremenMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Chilly.37 °FNikšićMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Overcast. Quite cool.40 °F
BremerhavenMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °FNizhny NovgorodMon 7:17 pmLight rain. Low clouds. Chilly.37 °F
BresciaMon 5:17 pmSunny. Cool.46 °FNišMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Passing clouds. Quite cool.43 °F
BrestMon 7:17 pmLight rain. Fog. Chilly.36 °FNorderstedtMon 5:17 pmSprinkles. Passing clouds. Chilly.37 °F
BristolMon 4:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.39 °FNordhornMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds.N/A
BrnoMon 5:17 pmSnow flurries. Passing clouds. Chilly.35 °FNorth NicosiaMon 6:17 pmOvercast. Mild.74 °F
Bruck an der LeithaMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.38 °FNovgorodMon 7:17 pmLight freezing rain. Low clouds. Chilly.30 °F
BrusselsMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Quite cool.41 °FNovi SadMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.40 °F
BryanskMon 7:17 pmQuite cool.45 °FNovo MestoMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.37 °F
BrăilaMon 6:17 pmLight rain. Overcast. Cool.51 °FNovorossiyskMon 7:17 pmClear. Mild.70 °F
BucharestMon 6:17 pmClear. Cool.46 °FNurembergMon 5:17 pmLight snow. Passing clouds. Chilly.34 °F
BudapestMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °FOberhausenMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °F
BurgasMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.54 °FOdenseMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °F
BursaMon 7:17 pmSprinkles. Overcast. Mild.63 °FOdesaMon 6:17 pmSprinkles. Passing clouds. Cool.54 °F
BălțiMon 6:17 pmClear. Quite cool.45 °FOffenbachMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.37 °F
CadizMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Cool.59 °FOffenburgMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °F
CagliariMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Partly sunny. Quite cool.43 °FOhridMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Cool.46 °F
CahulMon 6:17 pmLight rain. Overcast. Cool.51 °FOldenburgMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Chilly.37 °F
CannesMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.54 °FOlomoucMon 5:17 pmLight snow. Low clouds. Chilly.29 °F
CapriMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Overcast. Cool.46 °FOmaghMon 4:17 pmDrizzle. Overcast. Cool.50 °F
CardiffMon 4:17 pmDrizzle. Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.43 °FOradeaMon 6:17 pmMostly cloudy. Chilly.37 °F
CascaisMon 4:17 pmPartly sunny. Cool.57 °FOsijekMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.38 °F
Castrop-RauxelMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °FOsloMon 5:17 pmCold.18 °F
CazinMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.37 °FOsnabrückMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.37 °F
CeljeMon 5:17 pmChilly.32 °FOstravaMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.33 °F
CelleMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Chilly.37 °FPaderbornMon 5:17 pmDrizzle. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.32 °F
CeutaMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Refreshingly cool.61 °FPalermoMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Cool.55 °F
Châlons-en-ChampagneMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °FPalma (ES-Majorca)Mon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Refreshingly cool.59 °F
CharleroiMon 5:17 pmSprinkles. Broken clouds. Chilly.37 °FPamplonaMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Broken clouds. Quite cool.43 °F
CheboksaryMon 7:17 pmLight rain. Low clouds. Chilly.34 °FParisMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.39 °F
CheltenhamMon 4:17 pmPartly sunny. Quite cool.41 °FParmaMon 5:17 pmSunny. Cool.50 °F
ChemnitzMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.36 °FPassauMon 5:17 pmChilly.30 °F
ChernobylMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.48 °FPatrasMon 6:17 pmBroken clouds. Mild.63 °F
ChietiMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Overcast. Quite cool.45 °FPeizeMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.37 °F
ChișinăuMon 6:17 pmClear. Cool.50 °FPforzheimMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °F
ChurMon 5:17 pmFog. Chilly.33 °FPiatra NeamțMon 6:17 pmOvercast. Cool.49 °F
Cluj-NapocaMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.39 °FPiraeusMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Mild.63 °F
CologneMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Partly sunny. Chilly.37 °FPisaMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.48 °F
CopenhagenMon 5:17 pmChilly.32 °FPlauenMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.30 °F
CórdobaMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Refreshingly cool.61 °FPlevenMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.48 °F
CorkMon 4:17 pmPartly sunny. Cool.51 °FPljevljaMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Overcast. Chilly.39 °F
CottbusMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °FPloieștiMon 6:17 pmOvercast. Cool.46 °F
CraiovaMon 6:17 pmClear. Quite cool.45 °FPlovdivMon 6:17 pmCool.46 °F
CuxhavenMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °FPlymouthMon 4:17 pmOvercast. Quite cool.44 °F
DarmstadtMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.37 °FPlzenMon 5:17 pmLight snow. Low clouds. Chilly.31 °F
DaugavpilsMon 6:17 pmLow clouds. Chilly.33 °FPodgoricaMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Passing clouds. Cool.48 °F
DebrecenMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.39 °FPoitiersMon 5:17 pmSunny. Quite cool.41 °F
DelémontMon 5:17 pmChilly.35 °FPolotskMon 7:17 pmRain. Low clouds. Chilly.36 °F
DelmenhorstMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Chilly.37 °FPonta DelgadaMon 3:17 pmScattered clouds. Mild.63 °F
DenizliMon 7:17 pmOvercast. Mild.72 °FPopradMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.28 °F
Dessau-RosslauMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.36 °FPortoMon 4:17 pmLight rain. Broken clouds. Cool.54 °F
DetmoldMon 5:17 pmDrizzle. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.32 °FPotsdamMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.37 °F
DeutschlandsbergMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.27 °FPoznanMon 5:17 pmLight snow. Passing clouds. Chilly.32 °F
DifferdangeMon 5:17 pmBroken clouds. Chilly.36 °FPragueMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °F
DinslakenMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FPrešovMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °F
DiyarbakırMon 7:17 pmClear. Cool.50 °FPrijedorMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.37 °F
DniproMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.51 °FPristinaMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Quite cool.44 °F
DormagenMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FPrizrenMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Cool.46 °F
DorstenMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds.N/APyatigorskMon 7:17 pmClear. Cool.46 °F
DortmundMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °FQuimperMon 5:17 pmSunny. Cool.46 °F
DouglasMon 4:17 pmPartly sunny. Cool.50 °FRamseyMon 4:17 pmPartly sunny. Cool.50 °F
DrammenMon 5:17 pmClear. Cold.19 °FRatingenMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °F
DroghedaMon 4:17 pmBroken clouds. Cool.48 °FRavensburgMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °F
DublinMon 4:17 pmBroken clouds. Cool.48 °FRecklinghausenMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °F
DuisburgMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FRegensburgMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Overcast. Chilly.32 °F
DürenMon 5:17 pmBroken clouds. Chilly.39 °FRethymnoMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Mild.64 °F
DurrësMon 5:17 pmThunderstorms. Passing clouds. Cool.54 °FReutlingenMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °F
DüsseldorfMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FReykjavikMon 4:17 pmSnow. Overcast. Chilly.30 °F
EdinburghMon 4:17 pmScattered clouds. Quite cool.43 °FRheineMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.37 °F
EferdingMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds.N/ARigaMon 6:17 pmSnow. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.28 °F
EisenstadtMon 5:17 pmChilly.38 °FRijekaMon 5:17 pmQuite cool.43 °F
ElbasanMon 5:17 pmThunderstorms. Passing clouds. Cool.54 °FRiminiMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Broken clouds. Quite cool.45 °F
ElistaMon 7:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.48 °FRomeMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Broken clouds. Quite cool.45 °F
EmdenMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds.N/ARosenheimMon 5:17 pmSprinkles. Cloudy. Chilly.32 °F
ErfurtMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °FRostockMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °F
ErlangenMon 5:17 pmLight snow. Passing clouds. Chilly.34 °FRotterdamMon 5:17 pmSprinkles. Partly cloudy. Quite cool.43 °F
ErzurumMon 7:17 pmPassing clouds. Quite cool.43 °FRovaniemiMon 6:17 pmClear. Frigid.9 °F
Esch-sur-AlzetteMon 5:17 pmBroken clouds. Chilly.36 °FRustaviMon 8:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.55 °F
EskişehirMon 7:17 pmPartly cloudy. Mild.66 °FSaarbrückenMon 5:17 pmSnow flurries. Passing clouds. Chilly.34 °F
EspooMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Cold.21 °FSaint Anne, AlderneyMon 4:17 pmScattered clouds. Quite cool.45 °F
EssenMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FSaint HelierMon 4:17 pmScattered clouds. Quite cool.45 °F
EsslingenMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °FSaint-PetersburgMon 7:17 pmCold.21 °F
EttelbruckMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.35 °FSalamancaMon 5:17 pmScattered clouds. Cool.50 °F
EuskirchenMon 5:17 pmBroken clouds. Chilly.39 °FSalernoMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Overcast. Cool.46 °F
FeldbachMon 5:17 pmScattered clouds. Chilly.38 °FSalihorskMon 7:17 pmRain. Low clouds. Cool.45 °F
FerizajMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.48 °FSalzburgMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.33 °F
FlensburgMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Chilly.37 °FSalzgitterMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.37 °F
FrankfurtMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.37 °FSamaraMon 8:17 pmFog. Chilly.34 °F
FrauenfeldMon 5:17 pmCold.24 °FSamsunMon 7:17 pmClear. Mild.75 °F
FreiburgMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.38 °FSan MarinoMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Broken clouds. Quite cool.45 °F
FreisingMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.32 °FSan Sebastián de La GomeraMon 4:17 pmScattered clouds. Mild.70 °F
FreistadtMon 5:17 pmChilly.30 °FSandefjordMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Cold.19 °F
FribourgMon 5:17 pmChilly.26 °FSanta Cruz de TenerifeMon 4:17 pmPartly sunny. Cool.59 °F
FriedrichshafenMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °FSantanderMon 5:17 pmRain. Fog. Cool.52 °F
FuldaMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.36 °FSarajevoMon 5:17 pmSnow. Overcast. Chilly.32 °F
FürstenfeldMon 5:17 pmSunny. Chilly.36 °FSarnenMon 5:17 pmSprinkles. Overcast. Chilly.32 °F
FürthMon 5:17 pmLight snow. Passing clouds. Chilly.34 °FSassariMon 5:17 pmRain showers. Overcast. Cool.47 °F
GalwayMon 4:17 pmScattered clouds. Cool.50 °FSchaffhausenMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.35 °F
GarbsenMon 5:17 pmSprinkles. Passing clouds. Chilly.37 °FSchwäbisch GmündMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °F
GdańskMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °FSchweinfurtMon 5:17 pmLight snow. Fog. Chilly.33 °F
GelsenkirchenMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FSchwerinMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Chilly.37 °F
GenevaMon 5:17 pmScattered clouds. Chilly.38 °FSchwyzMon 5:17 pmChilly.35 °F
GenoaMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.52 °FSérresMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.54 °F
GeraMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.36 °FSevastopolMon 7:17 pmOvercast. Mild.68 °F
GhentMon 5:17 pmQuite cool.43 °FShkodërMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Overcast. Cool.53 °F
GibraltarMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Refreshingly cool.61 °FSibiuMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Quite cool.41 °F
GiessenMon 5:17 pmIce fog. Chilly.30 °FSiegenMon 5:17 pmIce fog. Chilly.30 °F
GijónMon 5:17 pmDrizzle. Overcast. Cool.54 °FSimferopolMon 7:17 pmOvercast. Mild.68 °F
GjakovaMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Cool.46 °FSindelfingenMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °F
GjirokastërMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds.N/ASionMon 5:17 pmChilly.36 °F
GladbeckMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FSkopjeMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.48 °F
GlarusMon 5:17 pmSnow flurries. Ice fog. Frigid.5 °FSlavonski BrodMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Quite cool.41 °F
GlasgowMon 4:17 pmBroken clouds. Cool.46 °FSligoMon 4:17 pmFog. Cool.50 °F
GmündMon 5:17 pmChilly.35 °FSmolenskMon 7:17 pmFog. Quite cool.42 °F
GomelMon 7:17 pmSprinkles. Fog. Cool.46 °FSochiMon 7:17 pmPassing clouds. Mild.73 °F
GöppingenMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °FSofiaMon 6:17 pmRain showers. Overcast. Quite cool.41 °F
GörlitzMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.33 °FSolihullMon 4:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °F
GothenburgMon 5:17 pmClear. Cold.18 °FSolingenMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °F
GöttingenMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.34 °FSolothurnMon 5:17 pmChilly.35 °F
GranadaMon 5:17 pmScattered clouds. Cool.52 °FSorrentoMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Broken clouds. Cool.46 °F
GrazMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °FSpeyerMon 5:17 pmScattered showers. Partly cloudy. Chilly.36 °F
GreifswaldMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds.N/ASplitMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Quite cool.41 °F
GrevenbroichMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FSt. GallenMon 5:17 pmChilly.28 °F
GrieskirchenMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds.N/ASt. Peter PortMon 4:17 pmPassing clouds. Quite cool.45 °F
GrodnoMon 7:17 pmSnow flurries. Fog. Chilly.34 °FSt. PöltenMon 5:17 pmBroken clouds. Chilly.36 °F
GroningenMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.37 °FStansMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.32 °F
GroznyMon 7:17 pmClear. Cool.53 °FStara ZagoraMon 6:17 pmLight rain. Overcast. Cool.51 °F
GulbeneMon 6:17 pmChilly.26 °FStavangerMon 5:17 pmScattered showers. Partly cloudy. Chilly.34 °F
GüterslohMon 5:17 pmDrizzle. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.32 °FStavropolMon 7:17 pmPassing clouds. Refreshingly cool.55 °F
GyumriMon 8:17 pmClear. Chilly.35 °FStockholmMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Cold.25 °F
HagenMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °FStolberg (Rheinland)Mon 5:17 pmPassing clouds.N/A
HalleMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.36 °FStralsundMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds.N/A
HamburgMon 5:17 pmSprinkles. Passing clouds. Chilly.37 °FStrasbourgMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.37 °F
HamelnMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.37 °FStuttgartMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °F
HammMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °FSuboticaMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.39 °F
HanauMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.37 °FSukhumiMon 7:17 pmOvercast. Refreshingly cool.57 °F
HannoverMon 5:17 pmSprinkles. Passing clouds. Chilly.37 °FSumyMon 6:17 pmRain. Low clouds. Cool.51 °F
HaugesundMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.36 °FSyktyvkarMon 7:17 pmOvercast. Cold.16 °F
HeidelbergMon 5:17 pmScattered showers. Partly cloudy. Chilly.36 °FSzczecinMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Chilly.36 °F
HeilbronnMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °FSzegedMon 5:17 pmChilly.38 °F
HelsinkiMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Cold.21 °FTallinnMon 6:17 pmSnow. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.30 °F
HerfordMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.37 °FTârgu MureşMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Quite cool.43 °F
HerisauMon 5:17 pmChilly.28 °FTartuMon 6:17 pmSnow. Overcast. Cold.25 °F
HerneMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °FTbilisiMon 8:17 pmClear. Cool.54 °F
HerningMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.28 °FTernopilMon 6:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.34 °F
HertenMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °FThe HagueMon 5:17 pmSprinkles. Partly cloudy. Quite cool.43 °F
HildesheimMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.37 °FThessalonikiMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Refreshingly cool.57 °F
HöfnMon 4:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.28 °FTimișoaraMon 6:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.37 °F
Hradec KrálovéMon 5:17 pmLight snow. Overcast. Chilly.34 °FTiranaMon 5:17 pmThunderstorms. Passing clouds. Cool.54 °F
HuelvaMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Cool.59 °FTiraspolMon 6:17 pmClear. Cool.50 °F
Hugh TownMon 4:17 pmCool.51 °FTórshavnMon 4:17 pmLight rain. Overcast. Chilly.37 °F
HumennéMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.35 °FToulouseMon 5:17 pmLow clouds. Quite cool.41 °F
HürthMon 5:17 pmBroken clouds. Chilly.39 °FTrabzonMon 7:17 pmPassing clouds. Mild.73 °F
IașiMon 6:17 pmClear. Quite cool.45 °FTrierMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds.N/A
IbizaMon 5:17 pmScattered clouds. Mild.63 °FTriesteMon 5:17 pmScattered clouds. Cool.45 °F
IngolstadtMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °FTroisdorfMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Partly sunny. Chilly.37 °F
InnsbruckMon 5:17 pmLow clouds. Chilly.33 °FTromsøMon 5:17 pmSunny. Cold.25 °F
IoanninaMon 6:17 pmPartly cloudy. Cool.59 °FTrondheimMon 5:17 pmClear. Cold.18 °F
IráklionMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Mild.70 °FTskhinvaliMon 7:17 pmRefreshingly cool.58 °F
IserlohnMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °FTübingenMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °F
IstanbulMon 7:17 pmRain showers. Passing clouds. Cool.59 °FTulaMon 7:17 pmOvercast. Quite cool.41 °F
IzhevskMon 8:17 pmLight freezing rain. Overcast. Chilly.31 °FTurinMon 5:17 pmSunny. Quite cool.45 °F
JaénMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.52 °FTuzlaMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.36 °F
JelgavaMon 6:17 pmSnow. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.28 °FUlmMon 5:17 pmSnow flurries. Broken clouds. Chilly.34 °F
JenaMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °FUnnaMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °F
JoensuuMon 6:17 pmLight snow. Clear. Frigid.9 °FUppsalaMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Cold.23 °F
KaiserslauternMon 5:17 pmSleet. Partly sunny. Chilly.36 °FUsterMon 5:17 pmChilly.33 °F
KaliningradMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.37 °FÚstí nad LabemMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.33 °F
KaposvárMon 5:17 pmClear. Chilly.36 °FUtrechtMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Quite cool.40 °F
KasselMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.34 °FUzhgorodMon 6:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.37 °F
KaunasMon 6:17 pmSleet. Ice fog. Chilly.32 °FVaduzMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.34 °F
KazanMon 7:17 pmLight rain. Low clouds. Chilly.34 °FValladolidMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.52 °F
KecskemétMon 5:17 pmClear. Chilly.36 °FVallettaMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Partly sunny. Cool.54 °F
KeflavíkMon 4:17 pmLight snow. Ice fog. Chilly.30 °FValmieraMon 6:17 pmCold.24 °F
KemiMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Frigid.9 °FValverdeMon 4:17 pmScattered clouds. Mild.68 °F
KemptenMon 5:17 pmSnow flurries. Passing clouds. Chilly.28 °FVanadzorMon 8:17 pmClear. Chilly.35 °F
KerpenMon 5:17 pmBroken clouds. Chilly.39 °FVarnaMon 6:17 pmSprinkles. Overcast. Cool.50 °F
KharkivMon 6:17 pmSprinkles. Low clouds. Cool.52 °FVatican CityMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Broken clouds. Quite cool.45 °F
KhersonMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.56 °FVelbertMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °F
KhmelnytskyiMon 6:17 pmLow clouds. Chilly.36 °FVeniceMon 5:17 pmSunny. Quite cool.45 °F
KielMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.32 °FVentspilsMon 6:17 pmLow clouds. Chilly.31 °F
KilkennyMon 4:17 pmDrizzle. Partly sunny. Cool.48 °FVeronaMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.46 °F
KirunaMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Extremely cold.-17 °FVersaillesMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.39 °F
KlagenfurtMon 5:17 pmFog. Chilly.30 °FVestmannaeyjarMon 4:17 pmRain. Low clouds. Chilly.36 °F
KlaipėdaMon 6:17 pmLight rain. Overcast. Chilly.33 °FVicenzaMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.50 °F
KlaksvíkMon 4:17 pmLight rain. Overcast. Chilly.37 °FVidinMon 6:17 pmOvercast. Cool.48 °F
KoblenzMon 5:17 pmSnow flurries. Fog. Chilly.34 °FViennaMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °F
Kohtla-JärveMon 6:17 pmLight snow. Low clouds. Cold.24 °FViersenMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °F
KönizMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.32 °FVila Nova de GaiaMon 4:17 pmLight rain. Broken clouds. Cool.54 °F
KonstanzMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.36 °FVillachMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.32 °F
KorçëMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Quite cool.43 °FVilniusMon 6:17 pmLight rain. Ice fog. Chilly.32 °F
KošiceMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °FVitebskMon 7:17 pmDrizzle. Fog. Chilly.39 °F
KragujevacMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Quite cool.45 °FVladimirMon 7:17 pmLight rain. Low clouds. Chilly.37 °F
KrakówMon 5:17 pmLight snow. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.32 °FVlorëMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Refreshingly cool.59 °F
KranjMon 5:17 pmFog. Chilly.28 °FVolgogradMon 7:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.46 °F
KrefeldMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FWarsawMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.34 °F
Kryvyi RihMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.55 °FWeimarMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °F
KumanovoMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.48 °FWeselMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds.N/A
KuressaareMon 6:17 pmMostly cloudy. Cold.25 °FWiesbadenMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.36 °F
KutaisiMon 8:17 pmPassing clouds. Cool.62 °FWinterthurMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Chilly.34 °F
KyivMon 6:17 pmMostly cloudy. Cool.48 °FWismarMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Chilly.37 °F
KyreniaMon 6:17 pmOvercast. Mild.74 °FWittenMon 5:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °F
L'vivMon 6:17 pmSnow flurries. Passing clouds. Chilly.34 °FWoerdenMon 5:17 pmLight freezing rain. Cloudy. Quite cool.41 °F
Langenfeld (Rheinland)Mon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °FWolfsburgMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.37 °F
LarnacaMon 6:17 pmPassing clouds. Mild.72 °FWormsMon 5:17 pmScattered showers. Partly cloudy. Chilly.36 °F
LarvikMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Cold.19 °FWroclawMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.34 °F
Las Palmas (ES-Canary)Mon 4:17 pmScattered clouds. Mild.70 °FWuppertalMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.41 °F
LausanneMon 5:17 pmSnow flurries. Low clouds. Chilly.33 °FWürzburgMon 5:17 pmSnow. Low clouds. Chilly.32 °F
LeedsMon 4:17 pmDrizzle. Fog. Chilly.36 °FYeghegnadzorMon 8:17 pmClear. Cool.45 °F
LeipzigMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.36 °FYerevanMon 8:17 pmClear. Cool.45 °F
LetterkennyMon 4:17 pmDrizzle. Overcast. Cool.50 °FYoshkar-OlaMon 7:17 pmLight rain. Low clouds. Chilly.34 °F
LeverkusenMon 5:17 pmLight rain. Partly sunny. Chilly.37 °FZagrebMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.37 °F
LiberecMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.33 °FZaporizhiaMon 6:17 pmThunderstorms. Overcast. Cool.54 °F
LiepājaMon 6:17 pmLight snow. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.32 °FZenicaMon 5:17 pmChilly.37 °F
LiestalMon 5:17 pmSunny. Chilly.36 °FZugMon 5:17 pmChilly.33 °F
LimassolMon 6:17 pmClear. Mild.70 °FZürichMon 5:17 pmChilly.33 °F
LimerickMon 4:17 pmScattered clouds. Cool.50 °FZwickauMon 5:17 pmOvercast. Chilly.36 °F
LincolnMon 4:17 pmPartly sunny. Chilly.36 °FŠiauliaiMon 6:17 pmLight snow. Low clouds. Chilly.28 °F
LinzMon 5:17 pmPassing clouds.N/AŽilinaMon 5:17 pmPartly cloudy. Chilly.34 °F
LipetskMon 7:17 pmFog. Cool.49 °F

Mon = Monday, November 29, 2021 (567 places).

UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: Monday, November 29, 2021 at 16:17:55

UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.

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