
Legislative Information and Communications


e-learning logo on screen

Fall Virtual Programming 2021

LINCS is pleased to offer fall 2021 virtual professional development programming in lieu of in-person meetings. These sessions cover a variety of topics for LINCS members and are useful whether you are new to the legislature or a seasoned staffer with extensive legislative experience.


tampa bay; boats in water; busy harbor and stores

Register Now for NCSL Legislative Summit

“X” marks the spot where legislatures gather Nov. 3-5 in sunny Tampa, Fla., to discover a treasure trove of ideas and innovation to address the states’ most pressing issues. Early bird discounts available through Oct. 1. 



Legislative Information & Communication Staff Section (LINCS)


All About LINCS

If you work in communications in a state legislature, you are a member of LINCS! Take advantage of the benefits of being in a professional association—connecting with colleagues around the country. Learn more about what LINCS has to offer you through meetings and resources such as the LINCS newsletter, The Voice, and find out how to get involved.


The Voice: Summer 2021

This issue includes contributions from several members: LINCS Chair Betsy Theroux's column and articles about story pitching, burn out and podcasting. Also included is more information about NCSL Base Camp 2021 and congratulations to this year's NCSL award winners! 



Comms Shop

Legislative communicators turn to LINCS when they want to find out how other states handle various communications functions. We pose those questions to our members and share their responses. Our resources include a state-by-state list of legislative social media sites and media credentialing policies.