Logo of WIPO Madrid, the international trademark system

Madrid – The International Trademark System

The Madrid System is a convenient and cost-effective solution for registering and managing trademarks worldwide. File a single application and pay one set of fees to apply for protection in up to 125 countries. Modify, renew or expand your global trademark portfolio through one centralized system.

You can use the Madrid System if you have a personal or business connection to one of the System’s members. This means you must either: be domiciled, have an industrial or commercial establishment in, or be a citizen of one of the 125 countries covered by the Madrid System's 109 members. Find out what users say about the Madrid System.

The cost of an international trademark registration includes the basic fee (653 Swiss francs; or 903 Swiss francs for a mark in color*), plus additional costs depending on where you want to protect your mark, and how many classes of goods and services will be covered by your registration.

For example, to register a trademark on February 16, 2018, with no color elements in India and the European Union, for one class of goods, the total cost will be 1'698 Swiss francs [653 basic fee + 148 (one class in India) + 897 (one class in the European Union)].

After obtaining an international trademark registration, additional fees apply to expand the geographical scope of coverage, modify or renew your trademark portfolio.

Find out more: Fees | Payment methods | Calculate your fees | Webinar: "How to Pay Fees under the Madrid System"

* If you file your application in the IP Office of a Least Developed Country (LDC), your basic fee will be reduced by 90% (to 65 or 90 Swiss francs).

Read the full list of Madrid System FAQs, including on Brexit.

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Using the Madrid System

The Madrid System supports you throughout the lifecycle of your trademark, from application through to renewal. Use these sets of pages to find out more about how to search for existing trademarks before you apply for protection, how to file an international application, and how to manage your international trademark registration.

Learn more

Video: An introduction to the International Trademark System.

Madrid System Education Highlights

Gain in-depth and practical knowledge of the Madrid System with our dedicated multimedia content.

Public Webinars

Register for our live webinars and interact with our experts. Access recordings of all webinars.

Video Tutorials

File an international application and renew your registration online to have digital access to your assets.

Case Studies

From SMEs to large multinational corporations, read how our users have used the Madrid System to support their global business expansion.

How to

Search before filing

Before filing an international application, you should search to find out if identical or similar marks already exist in your target markets. Use this guide to find out how to search WIPO’s Global Brand Database before filing your application, as well as how to locate the trademark registers of national and regional trademark Offices.

File an international application

In order to file an international application, you must have already registered or applied for a mark in your "home" IP Office. Learn more about the process, including your eligibility to use the Madrid System, how to complete your application form, required fees, and how to track the status of your application as it moves through the examination process.

Monitor an international application or registration

Once you've filed an international application with your "home" trademark office, it will be certified and sent to WIPO for examination. Learn more about the stages of the international registration process (including the roles played by WIPO and each national/regional trademark office) – including a preview of the types of documents you may receive along the way.

Manage your trademark registration

You can easily manage your international trademark registration through our centralized system. Find out how to renew or cancel, extend the geographical scope of protection, transfer ownership or appoint a representative, and learn more about the forms required for your requests.

Resources for IP offices

Current members

Current members of the Madrid Union have duties as both an Office of Origin and an Office of a designated Contracting Party. Learn more about members' obligations, as well as helpful tools like Madrid System statistics, model forms and provisions.

Future members

Becoming a member of the Madrid Union requires preparation. WIPO is available to help prospective members get ready for accession to the Madrid Protocol. Find out more about the preparatory work required and access tools developed specifically to help new members through the accession process.

Working Group and Madrid Assembly

Members of the Madrid System meet annually in the Working Group and the Madrid Union Assembly to discuss various matters, with the aim to improve the Madrid System for all users. Find out more about past and upcoming meetings.


Madrid Customer Service is on hand to answer your questions and guide you through trademark transactions and Madrid services.

Enquiries / Form submissions / Certified documents from the Madrid Registry

Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Geneva time).