Konstantin Toropin


Navy/USMC Reporter for | and alum | 🇺🇸🇷🇺 | Opinions are mine. RT, ♥️ ≠ endorsement. | Tips - [email protected]

Bergabung Januari 2013


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  1. 21 jam yang lalu

    And no, I don’t get into the budget. Honestly, it’s voyeuristic and I have no interest in fueling this impulse for outsiders, who know nothing of this woman’s situation, to try and figure out where they think she made mistakes, thus making her unworthy of help or sympathy.

    Tampilkan utas ini
  2. 21 jam yang lalu

    Comments like this miss the point of the story - the woman I profile here is one of an estimated 160,000. This problem clearly goes beyond one sailor. Yes, service members get paid X, but for many, it’s clearly not enough and they are going hungry.

    Tampilkan utas ini
  3. 19 Nov
    Tampilkan utas ini
  4. 19 Nov

    I told one sailor's story of hunger and struggle in this story but she's not an isloated case. I spoke with three servicemembers - all single mothers. The thing they told me that should worry service leaders the most is that none of them had faith the military would help them.

    Tampilkan utas ini
  5. me-Retweet
    18 Nov

    Nothing in the replies is anything I haven't heard before, but it's still something to see them all in one place.

  6. 18 Nov
  7. 18 Nov

    The Chief here is aboard the PCU Daniel Inouye as the crew drives the ship named after the beloved lawmaker to Pearl Harbor for its commissioning. Inouye was not only a Senator for Hawaii from '63-'12 but also a Medal of Honor recipient for heroism in Italy in WWII.

  8. 18 Nov
  9. 17 Nov

    This whole thread is some serious SOF <eye emoji>

  10. 11 Nov

    "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them."

  11. me-Retweet
    10 Nov

    In honor of the USMC birthday, I appreciatively re-up 's chart of Navy courts-martial, 1829-38: the spike in 1835 was due to the inclusion of USMC.

  12. 10 Nov
  13. me-Retweet
    9 Nov

    Re the shocking - SHOCKING! - revelation that has large mockups of US ships in the desert -- the US has long used targets known as Killer Tomatoes - large inflatable tomato-red balloons set adrift for folks on ships & aircraft to wail away at....

    Tampilkan utas ini
  14. 8 Nov

    Wondering what happened to the service members who were at the Capitol on Jan 6? and I have the answer for you.

  15. me-Retweet
    5 Nov

    What Happened to Members of the Military Accused of Storming the Capitol on January 6? & did tremendous reporting to track down details on the cases of those serving who allegedly joined in the attack. Proud to work with them.

  16. 5 Nov

    This seems like a pretty open challenge to all the other service chiefs... What do you say ...up for some crowd surfing?

  17. 5 Nov

    The reporting said he tried twice, folks...

  18. 5 Nov
    Tampilkan utas ini
  19. 5 Nov

    Finally, the anticipated corollary to 's famous "Someone is wrong on the internet" comic

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  20. me-Retweet
    5 Nov

    The Russian embassy did not agree to an autopsy of the diplomat, and the his diplomatic immunity meant that Germany's public prosecutor could not carry out an investigation.


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