
Law, Criminal Justice and Public Safety Standing Committee


Police car

Blog: NCSL Launches Tracking Database for Legislative Responses for Policing

State lawmakers across the country have moved swiftly to address issues related to policing in the wake of recent fatal police interactions across the country.


Polling Place

Police in Polling Places

In most elections, voters never think about whether they’ll encounter law enforcement officers at their polling places. But in that way, as in so many others, this year’s election is like no other. With many observers concerned about the potential for voter intimidation, it’s little wonder that some local election officials plan to add security at polling places and that public safety agencies are preparing for the possibility they’ll be called on to keep the peace.



Law, Criminal Justice ... Standing Committee


Chairs and a table

Overview and Membership

NCSL’s Standing Committees develop policy directives and resolutions, adopted by the conference, that serve to guide NCSL's advocacy before the federal government. See a list of officers and NCSL staff and members and workgroups.



Law, Criminal Justice and Public Safety Federal Activity

Recent federal activity for NCSL's Law, Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee include testimonies for committee hearings, letters on pending federal legislation, comments on proposed federal agency actions, and bill and regulations summaries.


Image of the Supreme Court Building

Supreme Court Preview

The Supreme Court’s new term has begun and promises to be chock full of cases with state impact. Tune in on Monday, October 26.  


Policy Positions and Resolutions