TYPO3 Education Committee

The TYPO3 Education Committee has been installed by the TYPO3 Association's Board and Expert Advisory Board in early 2014. It is meant to create an education strategy, enabling community members and TYPO3 beginners to access TYPO3 related learning easier and manage the TYPO3 certification program.

We want to foster the number of qualified and well trained and certified TYPO3 professionals and achieve a growth of the community and the ecosystem around TYPO3. The work of the Education Committee shall support companies in the continuing education of their employees.

How you can help

We have ambitious objectives and we are therefore working on a high pace. We’d love to have some more help within the committee itself and the related teams and task forces. If you like to get involved on a regular and reliable base with a great motivated team please get in touch with Marc (marc.willmann(at)typo3.org) or Tom (tom.novotny(at)typo3.org), or check the TYPO3 Slack Channel #edu-general.


What happens in the Education Committee?

We are planning two major sprints this year with as many Education Committee members as possible as well as many small sprints of the respecting task forces. This workflow is both very effective and respects the team spirit.

Report from the Major Sprint I/2019 in Hamburg (February 2019)

Marc Willmann

Slack: @marc-willmann

Tom Novotny
(Co-Lead | tom.novotny(at)typo3.org )

Andreas Wolf
Armin Vieweg
Boris Hinzer
Daniel Siepmann
Florian Weiss
Gernot Ploiner
Michael Schams
Moritz Kraus
Oliver Klee
Oliver Thiele
Peter Pröll