Where the art of the possible comes to life.

DrupalCon unites experts from around the globe who create ambitious digital experiences.
Network, learn, and be inspired.

DC Portland main header image (1200X690px)
DrupalCon Portland, April 25-28 2022
Join us for DrupalCon 2022, where the people who make amazing digital experiences possible come together to make them even better.
Drupal community events
Community events
The Drupal community organizes events all over the globe, both virtually and in-person. To find an event near you, or to submit your own event for listing, check out our community events portal.

What is DrupalCon?

events since 2005
attendees on average
sessions per event

DrupalCon is brought to you by the Drupal Association and dedicated community volunteers.

Something amazing, for everyone.

Keynotes & Sessions
for leaders, developers, and end users
Summits & Training
industry-focused to elevate your skill
Networking & Collaboration
that you can only find at DrupalCon

Whether you're a C-level, a developer, a content strategist, or a marketer—there's something for you at DrupalCon.

Give back to the community

Use Drupal to make the world a better place.
Let your ideas run wild at BoFs
BoFs (Birds of a Feather) are informal gatherings of like-minded individuals who want to discuss a specific topic without an agenda.
Bring your ideas to life during Contribution Day
The contribution day is a working meeting focused on a project. They are a great opportunity to get involved, because others are on hand to help you contribute.

News & Updates

Contributing your voice can make a positive impact on your career and business, and even enhance Drupal digital experiences of the future. First-time speakers are welcomed and encouraged at DrupalCon, so don’t hesitate to join for the first in-person DrupalCon since 2019!

Our team of staff and volunteers are working to create a diverse, engaging, and enriching conference experience that meets the expectations you have come to know from DrupalCons over the years, within the context of a pandemic world where participants have very different needs and levels of comfort. 

4-7 October, Drupalists around the world gathered virtually for DrupalCon Europe. As a DrupalCon tradition, Dries delivered his State of Drupal keynote.
