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VLC media player

Mae VLC yn chwaraeydd aml-gyfrwng côd agored ac am ddim ac yn fframwaith sy'n chwarae'r mwyafrif o ffeiliau cyfryngau a phrotocolau ffrydio amrywiol.

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Newyddion a Diweddariadau


We are pleased to release version 3.4.0 of the VLC version for the Android platforms.
Still based on libVLC 3, it revamps the Audio Player and the Auto support, it adds bookmarks in each media, simplifies the permissions and improves video grouping. See our Android page.


Today, VideoLAN is publishing the 3.0.16 release of VLC, which fixes delays when seeking on Windows, opening DVD folders with non-ASCII character names, fixes HTTPS support on Windows XP, addresses audio drop-outs on seek with specific MP4 content and improves subtitles renderering. It also adds support for the TouchBar on macOS. More details on the release page.


VLC users on Windows might encounter issues when trying to auto update VLC from version 3.0.12 and 3.0.13. Find more details here. We are publishing version 3.0.14 to address this problem for future updates.


VideoLAN is now publishing 3.0.13 release, which improves the network shares and adaptive streaming support, fixes some MP4 audio regressions, fixes some crashes on Windows and macOS and fixes security issues. More details on the release page.


A new release of libbluray was pushed today, adding new APIs, to improve the control of the library, improve platforms support, and fix some bugs. See our libbluray page.

Mwy o Newyddion

Blogiau Datblygu

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Rémi Denis-Courmont: suspended indefinitely

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Cyfryngau cymdeithasol

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[1nuritzi] It's that time again -- the @GitLab Hackathon is here! Join us tomorrow, Sept 21st to Sept 23rd! This is a great o…

[videolan] VLC for Android release 3.4.0 is rolling out on the Play Store. Still based on libVLC 3, it revamps the Audio Playe…

[PomepuyN] VLC for Android 3.4.0 is currently rolling out. It’s time to see what’s new in the fourth VLC 3 Android update.

[Korben] Jean-Baptiste Kempf de @videolan est présent à #devbreak21. Il revient sur les origines de VLC et comment fonctionn…