Planet MariaDB

A recommendation we often give to our customers is along the lines of “archive old data” to reduce your database size. There is a tradeoff between keeping all our data online and archiving part of it to cold storage. There could also be legal requirements to keep certain data online, or you might want to […]… Read more
By Ivan Groenewold
Source: Percona
Codership is pleased to announce a new release of Galera Manager. This brings the installer to version 1.5 and the actual Galera Manager GUI to 1.4.0. Users will notice some usability improvements like the cluster name being added to the authorized_keys generated file, while there are benefits around gmd generating a new key for the […]… Read more
By Sakari Keskitalo
Source: Galera Cluster
There are cases where multiple teams, customers, or applications run in the same Kubernetes cluster. Such an environment is called multi-tenant and requires some preparation and management. Multi-tenant Kubernetes deployment allows you to utilize the economy of scale model on various levels: Smaller compute footprint – one control plane, dense container deployments Ease of management […]… Read more
By Sergey Pronin
Source: Percona
My last blog introduced the issues one can face when upgrading PostGIS and PostgreSQL at the same time. The purpose of this blog is to walk through the steps with an example. For our purposes, we will confine ourselves to working with the community versions of 9.6 and 11 respectively, and use LXD in order […]… Read more
By Robert Bernier
Source: Percona
If you ever had to deal with performance and/or disk space issues related to temporary tables, I bet you eventually found yourself puzzled. There are many possible scenarios depending on the type of temporary table, settings, and MySQL version used. We have observed a pretty long evolution in that matter due to a couple of […]… Read more
By Przemysław Malkowski
Source: Percona
It’s release roundup time again here at Percona! Percona is a leading provider of unbiased open source database solutions that allow organizations to easily, securely, and affordably maintain business agility, minimize risks, and stay competitive. Our Release Roundups showcase the latest Percona software updates, tools, and features to help you manage and deploy our software. […]… Read more
By David Quilty
Source: Percona
Welcome to a weekly blog where I get to answer (like, really answer) some of the questions I’ve seen in the webinars I’ve presented lately. If you missed the latest one, PostgreSQL Performance Tuning Secrets, it might be helpful to give some of it a listen before or after you read this post. Each week, […]… Read more
By Charly Batista
Source: Percona
Exporting the table with MySQL native utility is a time-consuming process since it is a single thread. While having a lesser table size is affordable, But when having a larger data to be exported with native utility will consume more amount of time to export the data. The main bottleneck of MySQL native utility is … Continue reading Export Table In Parallel Thread →… Read more
By Sangeetha K
Source: Mydbops
We all tried various alternative methods for modifying the table structure, but pt-online-schema-change (pt-osc) is the most convenient and preferred method for performing the alter online. It has more granular control too. But it may lead to data loss if proper precautionary steps are not taken care of. In this blog, we are going to … Continue reading Troubleshooting a unique key addition during pt-online-schema-change →… Read more
By Praveen GR
Source: Mydbops
MySQL stores active table descriptors in a special memory buffer called the table open cache. This buffer is controlled by configuration variables table_open_cache that hold the maximum number of table descriptors that MySQL should store in the cache, and table_open_cache_instances that stores the number of the table cache instances. With default values of table_open_cache=4000 and […]… Read more
By Sveta Smirnova
Source: Percona
We love supporting communities and open source. One of the things we are thrilled about at Percona is hybrid and in-person conferences coming back this fall. Local events are a perfect opportunity to meet and reinforce you, community members, and open source lovers, talk about databases and remote work, and maybe even hug! Especially for […]… Read more
By Aleksandra Abramova
Source: Percona
Codership is pleased to announce a new Generally Available (GA) release of the multi-master Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7 and 8.0, consisting of MySQL-wsrep 5.7.35 (release notes, download) and MySQL-wsrep 8.0.26 (release notes, download) with Galera replication library 3.35 (release notes, download) implementing wsrep API version 25 and Galera replication library 4.10 (release notes, download) […]… Read more
By Sakari Keskitalo
Source: Galera Cluster
Dear FOSDEM fans! No f2f or even hybrid FOSDEM 2022 – we hear that with a combination of resigned sadness and understanding for those responsible of having 8000 people gather in one space. … Continue reading "FOSDEM filming party" The post FOSDEM filming party appeared first on…. Read more
By Kaj Arnö
We’re ecstatic and energised at the prospect of sowing the seeds of knowledge in our opensource database community. Thank you to everyone who came out to our 11th opensource database meetup. Our meetup series began in 2018, and the 11th edition took nearly three years to complete. However, we prioritised quality above quantity when distilling. As … Continue reading Synopsis of Mydbops 11th edition of opensource database meetup →… Read more
By santhanamydbops
Source: Mydbops
A few weeks ago and in MySQL 5.7, I had an ALTER TABLE that failed with a duplicate entry error.  This is old news as it is happening since MySQL 5.6, but I only saw this recently because I am normally using online schema change from the Percona Toolkit (pt-osc) or GitHub's online schema migration (gh-ost).  I do not like that and I am disappointed this has not been improved, so this post is… Read more
By Jean-François Gagné